Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 99, 28 April 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
Mr. A-F. J:idd i» believed to Le >en- unfr:ti.diy lo tbe HOLo»Ca. Weatber today niost pleasant; sQn hbining. strong “trade*” blowing. It is rcported that “Trutbfnl is tioubltd witb eaeaoUi(t 9crHxnJi. *Tfc-k's Ead Bry“ omnsed a large aud enee tlii9 afternoon at tbe Opera House. A beavy mail was dispatched by tbe Ps.'5t Office on the ste«mer Au«traliii. 0«ly two minatcs late. Tliey Dii1ey Co. in “Sbadows n{ a Gre «t C’;ty” tonight «t the OpeM llonse. “Standing rooni only. Tbe pgb md concertiz j d «t llie Hotel lnst evening and will do so tbis afternoou at Euima Sqoare. Don’t forget tbe whalea on riew from Col. Jim Shenvoo<l‘s Long Branc-b establisbmeut. Cars p<iss tbe du«>r. It is currcutly reported tbat lnna Taguis pistul was not re- ; tnrued to biin until be reached tbe prison. Tbe bark Albert, C«pt*iin Griffitbs sailed for tbe Coast «t noon todav Tbe tinie of tbe trip upw.»rd is lookeel for. Bns’n Ben bas V>een clear«d c>f tl>e rbarges ngainst bim. notwithst>»rd‘ng the rnther previous decision of the ’ Tiser. Niek Bnrley anel J;»ck Frasier the victors in the two 1 snarring cnntests left for San Fran cisco by the Australia. Bert»e Peters'Mi has mnde a in the P*dice Cnnrt innn assult ease nn S-imr.el Ehrlich. Something general1y happens when bad men meet. Thf “Tiser’ calls Bvan n “D spoiler of tbe Crown” bnt be wh8 net in it alene. b.e was nnfortnn«to enonpli to be ci''gbt. Say. Jndge, bave you a fellowfeeling’ “Peek's B;m1 B"v” bas lieeome a pre.it de>d bet'er since bis fatber took tbe pledge and now on1y imlu’pe* ; n tbe e\bilirants wlucb Harrv Millcr serves «t tbe Paiitboon. Snnday serv : ces will verv pro-b.-»bly l»e beld >it tbe M>ikikī bntts by riflemen, from 9 a.m to 3 p.m Tlio Portngnese bnml will pl«y p1iost d:mce nmsio iu tbe evening —by peruiissi»->n. Ailmiml Irwin and stftff were p»8sengers by lbe Austr »li.i As tbe d"p>irting ve*sel g»t nnder w>iy Be>ir Admir »l W lkev’s salnte t«> bis departing brother offieer boom?d froiu tlio Fi«gsbip Pbilade l pbia. — Senat«ir Cunningham’8 pmcl«vities forbeing n iu>«nuf>«ctnrer i ,.f bo*vr g* wh'eh snit tbe paln(es «»f his mioy cnstomers is most I «ptlv il splayed in his “O. C.” prodnctions. Fresh, j•» icy ; iuvig<iruting. The scene at tbe wbarf of tbe Oeeauie S. S Co tbis uonb on * tbe dep«rture of tl«e stea»uer Australi« w.is most iuteresting >,ud rec«lled memor : .es of old time. Tbe only dr«wback was tbe pUy iug of tbe p g. b«ud of J fore guers. i Kawaiahao church was not as well fi!led as it sh«»uld have been last ev«*ning ut lbe production of tiie illusirate«l Iectnre of “Merrie Enplanil and Wiudsor Castle” given by Mrs Ganus. As is ua»»«l iu tbe presentat!Ous given by this g f «*d b;dy tbe . cc.s»on waa one wiiieh was »nOst ple«80X<«ble (o liiuw» wuo