Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 99, 28 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters AND Provision i Merchants 9S Fort Stret'l. - Honoleln Eamilioa, PInntations aml Ships supplietl with choicest Eu rop€an A merican Grocrries CaIiforni.i Pnxluce by Every Stp'irer. OCEAXIC SteamsliipCo Time Tablc. LOOA.L LI XE, S. S. ArSTRALIA. Long Branch BATHING Establishment, This First-class Bathtng Resort hng been enbtrged aml is now ov»en to tho pnhlie. It is the best p'aee r*n tiie isian»ls to enjoy a b;itli and there is no better plaee to lay off. Sj>ecial aeeom■nodations for L\dies. Tramci»rs p:iss the door «very half ho »rand on Siitardays and Suudays every fifteen minotes. C.‘J. SH£RWOOD Proprietor. N( >TKE The pnrtnership heretofore **xisting between Frederick H »rrison >«nd Arthnr Harrison, under tbe firm na*ue of Harrisnn Bros. «s Contmctors and Baihlers, bas beeu by louinal cousent dissolved f \ aml all |«rties owing said !;rm •re hereby nut.fied t!»at p.»ynient of the satue nni-t be tnade to Fretlerick Hanison, wl»o is totliorize<l to settl« said business withm thiity da\n hom d»te. Fr.EDERlCK Habrisox, Arthcb H arbisox. Honoiulu, H. f.. M»rch -7tb, 18 '4 mar 28—1 w. LEW13 A C0. fcholesa!e and Retaii Gro f XSD PR0VISI0N DEALER>. FRESR CAUF01Nl.\ 8ALM0N ONICB Bj E»ery B »a Fraaa*c>- 8 jevatT, Salt Sauiox ix Bat ee j a Si ec:altt. III F«tr J V 1 , 'lhnom 'u. Tc ’. ’l^o,