Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 99, 28 April 1894 Edition 02 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiian Hardware Company

■ . ■—— Tiie Advertissr who catcbes 4 porsons eve usiillv wins n c»istoiuer. M iny ditferent stv!es of advertising have been adoj>ted and witli more orless suceess. bv the believers ia the nse of printers ink. The ni«nnf »cturers of Pears Soap. for instance. occas'on ally l»ny paīnting8 thnt have ! been on exbib.tioii in the P.»ri’s Salon nud bave litbognpbs maile from thoiu for tbo pnrpose of hring ; ng tboir pr ».l ict baf-»re tbe people. lu additioa t > such side issues, Pear speiuls buaJreds tbous'E-ls of d,»Il»rs nnnnalK' among tbe newspapers and mag- . iz;nes. Someye irs ago tbe .Agonts iof certiin urtic!e on sale in New York m (de a bit in adverl siug l»y liaving on Bro»id\vay d iring bns iuess bours two f itlaessl>- drosseil Negroes \veariug verv hig!i e »llars, |on tbe b icks of whio'i was prin- , ted *‘Use Snitbs Pi!ls.” The idei \v.is novel «nd t!ie pnhlie caaght on. B siug San Stove Polis!i has beeu kept before the . puhlie £■->r years through persis- ! tent. and sometiraes expeusive I «dvertising. Twenty odd ye >rs ; ago the mauufacturers of thls { |)olish started half a dozen men acrossthe orniraeut to paiutsigus on rocks aud fences. T!ie Aermotor Co., of Chicago have iu- ! its sales more tlian five j bundred per cent in two vears l»y i the use of pr'iiters iuk. We l»eheve we huve l»eeu instrnniental in increasing the s»les of the Aeraotor by kee]»ingeverlasting!y | at it in Hnwaii. ; We do not wish to sny th>»t ad1 vertising will so!l nuy raannfacI tured article; there is no use { spending money in »dvertising 1 •‘cbeaj» and nasty” gonds bocause the i>eop1e wil! not bebood\vinked. lf Havil.md China \vas not the superior article it is. nll onr ndvertising of it wonkl uot bave sold the tbonsandsof pieces tb.it we bave. We s;niply e.-i11 the attentiou of tbe people to it I and its saperior qnalitv is apparent to tbe cnstomer directly n ' pieee of it is examined. Printers ink bas helped tbe sale of the James Loeke 1 Eenee l»ut d would nnt h ive d"iies so if >t h»id l»een as flimsy as tbe or din «y wire fenco. First; t!ie econoray tbere is in building it recommends it to tbe planbition mun:igerand thcn its dural»ility clinches the the sale If tlie stavs and wasb- * ers cost jis mneli as an ordinary redwo<»d post onr siles of tbe material wonkl nnt h:ive reached ; soch enormous j>roportions. Our average sale of the Pansy | n 1 Iron Stove is :ibont t\vo a day the ye«r round. If was not tbe best iron stnvo on the raarket we wou!d not soll tliat many m six months. Advertising is the tip l ' t-> tbe pnhlie the gnod ]»oints in j I the»rtic!e sells it jt»st «s tbe g--»od , qna!ities of the Fischer Stee’ Range mnke it a desinble article i f.»r j»oople who wish toecouomise in the nsa of foel. We bny on!v what hns proven good after people 5n the United States or E irope liave given it a ; trial; wo profit by t : ieir experince ! if the articles are g-»ood we bny and sell tliera; if they are poor westecrc!e»r of them. When we advertise an article it i» to at- > tract attention t » it; the news]»aper is the bntton we pash, the salesmau does tbe rest. Persis<ent advertising eonpleil I witb the :»rl cla beiug a superior t onahis 8»IJ t!musini\ of the Fr.ink Walcot Emory File. If it h«d been no better than an ordiairy scythe stone we probably w»nld not have s<jld twenty. Wheo a man finds oct tbat bis table kuives may be ke{»tsb ,rp al all times at nn expense of fifty cents »nd a very little elhow grease he is qnite williug to try tbe expenment. { nOiwiiiu Harftae Co., j «07 Furt.Strw*t 1