Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 99, 28 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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THe Anheuser*-I3usch Drewing Co. Wiw the atthe 'W’o:'ld , S with their 3ilAGL Iil J3rand J3eer. St Louis Oct 28, 1893. Messrs. Macfablane & Co., L’d, Honolula, H. I. Dear Slri: —Wa Lave mailel yr>n a copy of the Gl»be-Democrat announcinp{ t!iegreat victo«-y \v >n by the ANHEC3EB-Bcsa Association \vitb tlieir *'EAGLE ’ BrauJ of Beer. f Si^D6cll '° neC J ANHEUSER-BCSH BEWING ASSOCIATION. 4 85 f9 5. X .1 * Ē m i S - . S Sr 2 * /i C,V \ 4 lu orderiug tbis Beer besuietousL fur t!io * EAGLE’ ? BrauJ. AIacfarlane & Co., M >r. 14- -2md. Ai/enl* fur Hav:aiian īslamls. AT THE CLUB STABLES. “ CREOLE,” 21,702. Race Record: Fourth Heat 2:15. Made at Stockton, Oal. Sept. 23, 1893. Sire. Pnnnplen 2,305. br Rl- o Bnll. 75: Dun. fJrace, l>y Baccnueor, 2,656 Pr.>nipter is «lso ihe Sire of A[>ex, 2:2(5: Trun<it, 2561; W«lfcnr 2:2.i ; Wnle«, 2:27t: Chic >. 2:24: nml of the D:.ujs I5rill;atitine, 2:17 «nd Vigc<r, 2:28. “Cr>oi e” is iet hl ick, oue hind white foot aml -mal! stri{i«- in f»ce. Weicht, 1,060 pounila; is rerr stylish, geut!e, n C°od pr«>dncer ••nd « pauie nu-e I orse, Wil! stnnd fnr n Iinuted number of m>ires at FIH V (i50) DOLLAbS FOB THE SEASON, {>.iy«l>Ie nt time of serrice. This horse »us fcred iu 1892 to fortr-six inares and pruduced forty-two co-ts. feb l/-lm D T 1 DAVIS. 08BWAT & F©MER ? Robinson BIock, Hoiel St„ heUeeen F>rt and Xnuamt, Have Jrst r<fCA-d.]cr 1fle / iiīai >. <1 e 1ij i•tfD e I e f FL : R M3UEE Evc-r lirtj>orted to f is Conutrv, Coroprisiug Handsome Carved Bedroom S:ts In Soli«l Oali. andof thc LA TESTDESIGNS. ESPECIAL ATTENT10N !S CALLED TGTHESE SETS: WICKLER WARE, Beaut fnl Des gus <>f M ick-r are, cousist ug of SOFAS, C3A1RS, ROCivERS, ete.. y<>n ean get tbese in nny FINISH v«vi desire eHAin^, Countless nuuibers of CHAIRS. in everv stvle, i;tclu ling 0FF1CE «ud HIGH CHAIRS. ZBXTBaTSIOIT TABLZ:S, We bave bad a number of calls for tbese T*bles. wītb CHAIRS t > mateh. We have now in st<»ek th« rar»st BEAUTIFUL DINING RD0iVl FURN1TURE EV£R SEEN HERE. Sideboards and -:- Chiffoniers D X V A. ]VS,^ ■© vans corer>'il w tb P0RT1ERS are becoming qnite the mge in piaee of LOl’NGES -we m «mif »ctnre thera to i>rder. aiul bave a lasge stock of PORTIERS to se! ct from. 3EDDĪITG-. Gre<t AssortmertofWOYEN WIKE MATTRESSE3—Spring H ir. M<»s«. W**ol «nd Straw Mattres<»-s 011 hnii>i aud tn ule to order. L1VE GE?SK FEATHERS .» d SILK FLOSS fur Pd ows. CKIBS. CRADLES ele. WINDOW SHADES uf all eolors and siz s. COR v lCE P>>LES. in w<uh1 or br ss tri-»miirgs. X5 S X51 XT <3-. Mattresses, Lounges »nd all L pbc>lstered Fnru tnre repaired at re«soi<»ble r. tes. CABIXET MAKI\*G, in all its brancbes. by C<>mpeaeot Workmen. MATTING LAiD »nd Int rior lX*cor.ti g ouder tbe Sapervi s.ou of Mr. GEORGE 0RDWAY. Onr GchkIs nre F rst C! 'ss. and <>nr prices are t!:e lowest Come «nd be e ’nvinccd—a trial is s -lic : ted. Be ) 525. nrLr.raoxrs- Mnt *i G15 ORDWAY * PORTER. E“binspn Uluek. helaee» F*»ri mul Nnaanu