Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 99, 28 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
porxD master*s XOTICF. Notic » fct»»!by lo *I1 peTw>ns. that tb«r«uvat th*liov narnl P''nn<i ■» M«k:ki, thre« >tmr«l tnuws »nJ on« bom«. I poor ro*a marr, lwt m eiiil», P K on rtihl hin.l kv. 1 po»r white K»r«. l«mk.l x N on nght hin i t poor ml m*rr. !.>nc whitt> spot »c »b« ’orrbt*<l hnuilnl H K ou rigbt hind !«>;; and l pc*>r ml h>>r>r, bmn.l ic.lcscnbsWr. Aut pemou or p.rsoi» owaiug thex> •nuuals ti« w>jnest«i to eoa-e *nd t«ke the s«me on r>r hefore 12 o'eloek n>*>n SATLRDAY. M AV, i U>M. JAMf S KUKONA. lVn3il Ms»t»>T. kUkiki, Apr. 19. 1S9*. 3jr A>-tf Capt. Wm. Davies, INTER-ISLAND PILOī rt>R Any Port or Lauelin# in tbo Hawaiian Islaiula lnqnire «t offic« of J. S. ">Lsy.K or»r Spreckel's He.nk. (eb U*tf. DAINIPPOS Hotel street ( Arlington BIock.) Tbe above Storo h.s receired #Dother Spleudid Iu>o oe of Japanese £|LK. f ANCY jaOODS, Pcr S. S. “China.” —COMi’R»l>0 — BEAUT1FUL SILK DAN CRAPE, Dre»s Goods in all sh*d> , phun and t>gnn>.l. CnsLious, Tahle (*overs, Bed Cover , Oown*, Chen;ise*, Sfc.>wls. Siik Oiipe Raiubow Si!ks. All Colora Fancy Dra(*>ries, EWBEOIDERED HANDS£RCHIEFS, Doillies, Scarfs. Si»hes, Jackets, Cape, E»c., Etc. N()VELT1ES: The Trices of the>e O»o.ls wUl astonish > • >u inctuding 4 ELEOaNĪ SILK KIM0N08! Hand»ome Clgr.rette C»Hes. Pin CnsbR>ns, Silk Te . Cos»ies. LIKUE 1M» MILL JtPl>ESE Ul (.* Siik Unjbrella.s light hut strucg; Cuair Saii<Iles, Si!k; Eamhoo Dl n<ls, titt«d with polley>. SUk Laaip Sba«les. new style. JAPAXESE «CltEESS. from |:i l p. L>KbK J 1P»XES1 U*BRELLIS Can he Set with Po!o in tbe gmnu<l. nieē f»r Pieuiea or Lunehea ont o( <k>»rs, they ean be opened used aa a tent. CUTT()N C'RAPES IS GREAT VAP. KTY ’ Reiitjectfully Invite<l. MRS. J. P- P COLLACO, Proprietreas. Ap>rl3-3ru* LiS0B BDSEAŪ. THE AMEKIOAN LEAOLE Begs lc«ve to «aoonnee th«t tt bas C!itab ihheil an E nployin?nt L»are<io m eonneelion with tbe Amerīcan Le<»gtte. V\e »iil be pieascd to furu;sb yoo witb slcii led or unskdled labor witbo*it ii nv fee for tbe eng >ging naeh labor. Tbe labor enrolled with ns ia of tbe fo!lo«ing n tt<on.ititie»; American. Portagaesw. Haw uian. German. And other European N >tionaliti» * Bcgging lt«ve to open a correH(»oodeuce wilh yoa on this sabject, We remain, Yonr obeilient 8enrants, The Amekilan Leagce £mployMENT BCKK.\C. - r ' ■aa aU cemm'mic3ttious t»TH£0. P. SEV£RIN, Hecretan. Uar S»-tf> P. O- *»S.