Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 99, 28 April 1894 Edition 02 — THE OTHER SIDE. [ARTICLE]

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Tbe Ailntrii»er c'ntiine»i tb : s mora«ng a bigh!y e >lored and bigbly iraagin.«Lve description of i figbt tn.it took plaee l«st oigbt «t Ihe Uutel. 6ratal assaolts, saloon figlits. and rowdyism shoi:ld receive the condemnation ef the pnblic and t le i:«w shon!d : be c«1!«k1 ;nto f.iil act vi»y w!ienever theseocccrrenci?s happen. At the s.ime t?m«- tue nress shoa!«l confine itse!f t» tratLf.il ct«tements and correct re; n-sentations of facts aud ii is evident tbat the A<Ivcrtiser bns not d >ne tb.it this morning. A fight t*>ok p’aee l?«st night at t!ie H.>tel betweea Ber tie Prterson. tbe 8ecret;iry of tlie Annex;«tion CIub, and Bcn GaJl»g!ier. the eoaehm.in «>f Mr. J «mcs C.impbfcl!. A unmber of people were present and they st ite th.it tho combat«nts wer*soper.»ted before anybo«ly wn& hnrt, th.it PeUrsnn piekeil np n b.llinrd eae and th»t bis opponeut in jumping the bil!inrd t ible to cntch the impn»vised weapon, tripped nnd fell whereupon Peterson de!iberately kicked liim in t!ie f >ce and nse«i al! meaus t>» «lowii h;m. Tli t th«y «vere »giiu s©n«rrttei, l> it sacceeda«l iu g tfc ug at eieh oHier again when Pi-tevso:i reccivtd a sever** : pummel!iug, «vbereafter lie g«>t ui» :indlo-gin to tiirow hillianl brt!ls promiscno>>sIy into t!ie crowd and striking »u offi cer of t!ie Ditchitutfuiilt in tlie chfest Mr. Peterson vvent to the d >Ci >r :i il t!>e poliee thnt i seemed very li.in.lv nppeared and prnposcd to arrest Ben G?«llagher witiiout :\ \v irnnt. A nnmber of pe-’ple iatcrf -red ani »ug t!iero, ■ »ever il <«ffi • -rs, an l tlie polieemeu, in spite of haiule iff-» and j»ist««ls inig’ut bave fared badly. Mr. C. B WiiMim wrts tlie man ; who tried to j>revent tlie fig!it and did j«revent wL;»t miglit bave Ied lo a riot. For t!iose services i be was this inorning nrrested on a crimin?d ch:irge’ aud plaeeil under 5l,(00 bon<l for liis aj>- [ psaraace. Ben G ilL*g’icr was vccj’' pro«nntl v rele <sed on ba«l furnished by Mr. C<-cd Brown. H.is bnd was ulso $1,000. Mr. J. Bro\vn, » visit«>r to t!icse is«unds. who assisted Mr. IV ilson in liis eff->rts t<> j>r*-vent tlio row w»s { also yanked nnder.« $1.003 bond The case will be trled noxt Monda\’, and wi!l undoabted!y create considerab!e intorest. A larce nuiu'»erof w‘:tnesses will l»e i ~ i called. Mr. Cecil Brown will »j»pe.«r f >r VVMlson and G>illagher while Mr. C. W. As!if<>rd is re taiued by Mr. Browu. lt is pro jier to reserve »11 cr!ticism and ;jalgo3nt of tliis ai;)!eis»nt alf ir until it !»as b »en fally veutilated in tbe c<>nrts.