Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 98, 27 April 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

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[We do not !iold onrsclv;s respon»iMe for ;be or th_- utterauoes o( oji com»>oou.icnts.] Editok Holomua: Ht j TP\vith I st n«l you a few ‘sfr.:y tlior.ghts” as fol!ows: Auy govcrnineut findng it necessiry t > entrer.c!i itself beliiml s nd bag-fortificat ons eannon aiul sed tiou I«ws —tliereby i1emons:rates its own unj»op»il:«r ity aiul unwoi tliiness of esistence —aiul tLo soouer abulisheil the befter. Tliere are iiulivitluals claiming to be free c t zens of the great Repnblic of tlie Uuite.l States, b it all tlio sanie swearing allegianee and snpport to a ino.st infiioons missionary otigarchy — spleiulid S[ieciaien of Amer:cans i tliese! Territorial Governors in tne United States receivo $‘2 (iOO sal.try jier annuni, wliile Mr. S. B. Dole as the head of tlie p. g. gang gets sl2.000 for tlie sau.e per d. No aunexution is waiit aiul n 'Vi’ i ’us. as tliep.g eoneem pn ves to be niore profitable lor D le, Smith A Co. TIie lab irer 13 worth bis liire, and according to republicau I rinoiples every man sbould get exactly wbat be e«rns, or \vh«t tbe services rendered by him !ire w rtb. 3Ir Dole gets $1000 |ier montli—are tbe services reud ered by bim wortb tb.it amoaul? C iii be earn sucb an amount per moutb at ull ? AVould Mr. Dule s «y tbat bis services t<» this eomimu ity were really wortb $1000 per niontb ? But be tikes it anyway. Tbe p. g. gang is verv liber.d iu dis*ribution of otber people’s money «s Iong it goes to tbe f.»mi!y compact. 8 x governurs in tbe United St ;tes are paid by their resj>ect;ve st ites $1 000 sal iry [>er annnm and ewryone < f these Gt>vernors is, by f »r, superior intelleetn »lly as well as morally to Mr Dule wbo receives $12.000 per nunnm from tbis poor little St.»te of Hawaii. A Iot of Jac’;asses ie lions-skins is t‘.e Iatcst f.ike ou exbibitiou on Fort street S >me mis>cbiev .as pei>ple ssy that tbey woro a p<rt of DoJe’s br.»ves fiom whom he bolds bis commi»sioa. Amekicax. 1