Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 98, 27 April 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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I3iisiness Cards H. LOSE, jNTotarv I^uhlie. CoUectoT and General Business Agent. Patentee of Lose’s Chemicvl ConporxD for Clarifying Cane Juice. Sub-Agent for several of the Brst FIRE IXSURANCE COS. Mnm«! Tel«ptone s. P. O. Box .T»S. Merrh:int sireet. Honolnln. DAKj!NG CLAS£ES. Ovx ly »ns’ n.weiNo ri.\s> *n he ’ fr-;n t'it' Drii t. S*irti t, \rion Hau. wh'p'i Le u,s rentel f,ir Tf T ESDAY, TRrKSDAY «tiJ S.VTURDAY ol eaeh week. T htr S -tnrlty onr»nizeJ rlar< f-'r t n:Mren will ni**et «t th- Kī >n H»H nt ‘2 o’eloek Sitnr'i v nftern.i vt. Apr.l 7th. <»n Tnes Uv ev ii». A iril !Oti.. «t ~ o'nluek. ne' tsa will be forme 1 for Men und B ys. <>u Thnn.1»r «ftem >,'in. .‘lo’el'K.K Vt ril l'2tb, 'i srec:«! c’ is« will be fo'tne,l for H iw ih« - i«. Tiie eh irtes f.»r .il! 'l iy Pupil* vi!l he '25 rent» « Wsno. Oa ihe «h-,ve d«v« Mr. Ly ia e.ia be seea «t the llall froui 9 to l’2 noon» - otv,t 2t Citys Meat Market Oppo. Quecn Enuna Hall, Establishe<.lJ1883. JOS. TINKER, blIjcHe^ Maker of the~Celehrate<i Cambridge Pork Sausage'! Try Them. Meat Deliveretl to Any Part of • tue City aud Subarbs. Mutual Telephone Number 239. , T.H.Davies&Co KAAHUMANU ST.. Honolulu, : : H. 1. GENERALa-vd Coumiission \ Merchantsj — ASD — SUGAR FACTORS. AGEN I S FOR Lloy ls :— Eritish »nl Foreign Manne Inanr«uoe Corop«uy. Liniile<l. i Nortatra Avsu rauoe Co, tire 4 life. Pioajer Line o£ P«ckeb huiu Lfv- 1 «pool. 1aw«u«u Line of PaekeU. eamlian Pa:iSa Sailfay Co. a*d Caaali23-A!isiraii3a 3teias!iic Ca. Live*pool Omc*:Tbe Alhu- y, 01d HaU St. leOio-M BRUCE & A. J. CARTWRICHT Bosine«9 uf « Fidaci«rx N«ture Tr»cs*cted. Prompt »ttei.tijn given to the m»n«geroeot oi EoUU-i, G i irliia»hip*, Trn«u. ele., etc.. etc. : Co ivrri'jht Buildmg, ’• klerchant Streeu H«nulnln. CHAS. GIRDLER, Import<?r and Commission Merchant. SPBCIALTTiS: J. k P. Co*U’ M*chi=« Tkre*i Joo-b> C(ook>' Mtch;ac Thre*d B*ri»nr9 Lioea Threvi Pe«n’ So«p P. O. Box MS. Mntn«l IWphna* 35« L5 R««hum«aa Sa««t.