Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 98, 27 April 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Hi\WA.n HOLOfrtUA.r IS rCELISHED Everv .Afternoon EXCEIT SL*KDAT BI THE Holomua Fublishing Co. At KingSt. (Tbomas b!ock), Honolula, H. I. u W • pw. WW ¥>M« Thp p*i;'*r is (1eliv(.-r*‘'t br Ciirricr» in ‘toTrn and Knl>nrh-. Sinsle CopicK 1>r < «le »t the N>wk Dciilers and at the Office o( pnhliealion. EOUUNO NORRIE, - - Editor ABRAH/Af FERHA\DEZ , - Manager X ()TICE. All r.nsiness Coiu»nt!nc.)tions «honH *>e ad t-. Abnth.iw Feruandez, HonoInln, H. I. (V>nvHi*vid('nce «nJ OonminnimlionH for i>nl>liciition nhonld lie 'iddres.s<?d ti> the E.iitnr IlMU'nii H iloiuna. No notice will be paid to an v nuonrmou8 eoa>iaunications. Husiuess C ’n,rds A. P. PETERSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OAlee: 113 Kaahnwann P‘reet, Honolnln Ilawaiiau Islands. CHARLES CREIGHTON. ATTOr.NET AT L.VW. Office: 113 Kaahnmaan Street, Honolnlu H'>WHiian lsland» PAUL NEUMANN, ATTORXEY AT LAW. 314 Merobant Street, Honolulu, Mutnal Telepbone 415. CLARENCE IV. ASHFORD, ATTORNEY AND COUN8ELLOIf AT LAW. Offlce. Cld Capitol Rnilding, (Honolnlu Halel, adj,Mninp Post Office, Honolnln. JOHN LOTA KAUI.UKOU, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Olbce. cornor Kiug «t Rotbel Sts. LEWIS J. LEVEY, Real Estato and Genend Anctioneer. Coruer Fort and Qnecn Slreet». Honolnln Personnl attontinn g : ven to Sales of Fnrniture, Re.il Estato, Stock aml Genernl MercLandise. Mntnal Trlephone 238 A. ROSA,) ATTORNET AT LAW, No. 16 Kaahnmanu St., Honoluln. Hawaiian Isilands. Kmpire Saloon, J.VMES OLDS. PaoPRirroa. Fins Liqooi% Eeen, ALWAT8 C\ HAND. Corner Nnnann and HuU-i Streets Feil Telephonc 241. Fo«t Office Eox 107 W^LUOE AVine and Spirit M©rchant C<impbeU Flre-proof Block, MERCHANTST.. HONOLULU. THOMAS LINPSAY Mannfaduring Jeuelei and WatcJimaier, Blook, «Oū Fwe, Hm. Hooolnio