Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 98, 27 April 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
The Schactzen club meet this eveuiag. ————— The īlonolulu A’n.itour Athletic club is the mme of u uew organiz,ition burn yeatred iy. Hon. Paul Isenberg receivrd friends at Mr. Cli«rles M. Cooke's residence this afteruoon. “Stre*'ts of New York" a sterring hik! scenic melo draina will soon be |>roduced by tlie Dailey Co T.ie ‘ fire laddies” will have un opportunity to take part. — There nre qnito a nuinber of t ittered American ensigus flying iibont town. Some of tliem shonld ba Lauled dowu in respect 1 to the flag. I The stockholders of the Fashion St ibles Co. have elected the fol!owing officers: President, J. J. Sallivan; Vice-Presid.'nt. D P. E. Isenberg: Treasurer, J. j 13uckley; Secrjtary, J A His singer; Auditor, F. W. Macfar- , lane. Jnmes T.igue a prison luna is reported to have been held up j . by Ryan, the crown je\vels thief ; | 1 au 1 two other prisoners yesterd <y afternoon and his pistol t >ken j away from him. The f.rts in th« case are not obtiinable at preseiit The ‘holding up’’ w s done while tbe g»ng was «t work at Moiliilii quarry.