Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 98, 27 April 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Compaany [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiian Hardware Compaany

Tii0 A!vertiser who catches i por- ;qi evo «l v w iis a ■ c;sto <ier. M ;ay d :fereot >tyvs f advertisirg have been «<b*pted md w.tb ra «re or les> snccess, bv tbo believer< in the n-»> of pr nters ink. Tiie nnnnf icturer5 of Pears So tp. for ii'.-: inee o vi> '«'.i tllv bnv pa'.ntirps t!iat h.«ve | been on exbib t «n in tho P »ri’s Saīon aud have btbograp!i> uade from t!iem for tbe pnrp)>-’ *>f ! hr»ag ng t ieir pr > 1 ’>ct b‘f »re elie j»e);'lo. In ad l.t t* s leh s;,le īssoor, Pearsj)«uJahon lr«-d> thous«nds «f d..ll»is annnaiU’ <raot;g tiie n<*wsp!ij>ers and ni ig »z ne>. Someyetrs ago tbe 'g*nt-> <>{ Critaiu article ou saio m New i’ork m nle a hit in advert siug by h«ving on Bro < lway »!aring bns 1 iuess hoars tw > fatl.ies>lv <!r sse>l Negroeswearii»g verv liiglic >b.«r> jou tlie b «cks of wh eh was {> r utc<l “Use S oiths I*ills.” Tbe <lei was novel »md the pnblic t-anght on. R.si.ig Sin Stova Pobsli has bee i kej>t beforo tlie pnh'io f.»r ye >rs tiirough persisteut, and soinetiiues exj)en>ive adverti»ing. Twenty odd ye«rs a<ro the m umf.actarers of th s polisli started lmtf a dozea men ; acrossthe orni neut to paints : gus ,on r<>cks ar.d feiices The Aerj mo(or Co., of Cliicigo liavo iuere:«sed its sales io«>ro tban five liundred per cent in two years by the use cf printers iuk. We beheve we h«ve heeii instrnment«I in increasing the s <les of the Aemotor by keepiiigeverlastitig!y | at it in llawaii. dVe do not wish to s.i)’ th <t ad : vertising will se!l «ny innnufactured «rticle; there is no use i spending inoney in u<lvcrtis:ng •‘eheap and nas{y ’ go<>ds !>ej canse the i<eople will r.ot bo hood- ; \vinked. If Havil m<l Oiinn wa« not the snperior -«rtic-le it is, all onr advertising of it w 'uhl not have sold tlie thonsands<>f piec**> that wo bave. Wo simp!v eall the attention o{ tho j>eop!e to it :<nd its snperior qnality is appar ont t > the c')st)m-r <lirect!y a j>iece of it is ex imined. Printers ink has helped the s;ile (of the James Loeke l F *nce but t wo*:M not h «ve <1 >nesso if »t hml | been as l'i nsv as the or «1 n «y w r ' fence. First;the economy there is in buililing it recommnnilit to the plantati )n inan »ger an<l i then it.s dnrabi!ity clinches thf j the sale If Ihe stays and wash : erscost as mneh as an ordin *r\ re<lwo<>d j>ost onr siles of thf •naterial would not have reacbe«l snch enormo»is j roportions. Onr nverage sa!e of the Pans) j īron Stove is abont t\vo « d <y tlu I vear round. lf was not thf be>t iron stove on the market w< i wonh! not sell th;<t mnny in si) mont!is. A'lvertising is the tij j to the pn'olie the good points ir : the nrticle seils it jn>t «s tlie good qnn!ities of the Fis?her Stee Range make it « desirible artic!e f r j)enple who wisb toeconom:sf i in t!ie use of fael. We bny only what has provpr g)ol after people in llie Unik'l States or E trope h «ve given it a ; t* i •!; we profit by t eir experince : if the >*rtic!es are p 'Oo«l we bm •»n 1 sell t!iem; if they nre pooi {we st.-er ele >r of them. When we a«!vertise an arlicle it is to attr.ict »ttenti *n t> it; tho newspaper is the !>ntton we j>nsh. thc sa!esman <loes the rest. Persistent *dvertis;ng e-nple 1 with the art’c!e being a snperior oq* h«s sd! t*nas»a ls of t!ie Fr.in ! < Wafcot Eraory Fi!e. If it ; hr»d been no bMter th«n an or dinary scvtha s >ne we prob«blv woaK! not have sold twentv. : When a min finda ont that hi* tab!e tuive3n>ay be kej«tsb%rp a! al! tiraca at an expense of fifty ceuts »ad a very Iitt!e elbow grease he is qaite wiiiing to try tha expenment Tii8_flzfsllEfl Ear&WHre Cc M ( hU7 Fort t 8treet