Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 98, 27 April 1894 — As Usual. [ARTICLE]
As Usual.
Sentry No on duty in the P.ilaee groands, after mid»iight ; yesterd.>y, had a halbicinut;ou ! of sotne kind just as a larg<» party 1 <>{ the ball guests were leaving tl:e tlrill shed. H.«nd ing his louded I r>fle in a careless manner. it was I discharged, the ball embeddiug itself in a seutrv box about twenty yards away. If the gun h:ul heen j)ointed toward the guests there woukl have been, very probibly afunenil todayof some j>ro:»)iiient p.g. Being qnestmned the snrpris- : ed soldiev s iid “Mein gott’ I vas ; not know it vas loa«led, uow, 1 vas snre.”