Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 97, 26 April 1894 — Yet With Life. [ARTICLE]
Yet With Life.
B t f Tlia hope of t!ie restor;ition of e t!ie Qnei*n to tlie throne, is not e ile.ul by nnv nieans ni*r will the | mon ucLic.il form of Governinent e for Hawaii iiltopotlier vanisli. If i such were tlie c.ise, the P. G's ;) woulil not Iay such stress on e swe irmg tlie people, in ori1er to : j g.-t a tnncb ilesired ci>nstitntional j \ e nvention. Becanse tliey see tbat llawa'.i will i>gain live. j y ther»-foro tliey liave deemed it l>r< pcr to felter tLe people by ; r that oath “to resist any attempt i . to restore Liliuokaluui to the t tlirone or to re-establish the : monarcliicaI form of government m iiiiv forrn iu t!.e Hawaiian IslI and.s.” Do not rely ou them and , do not sign undei snch un oath.
Ahmiual J. G. AValker. who is | J now iu command »>f the North ! - Pacific squ.idron c»f the U. S. ' i N,uy is well known by rankand file s i of tlie snvice as a uiost thorough j j liscipliiiiirian and who is v inost : * tl»oevt»gtity respected by hi.s offi- j ■ , cers. The nieii of the service ( i | present u d.tterent s de of them- i f selvos when nnder the control of i ? Ail.uiial W>lker, as his record i for good jndgnept aud bruvery | during tlie civil \var hus been i handed down * forward’’ for the f [iast tl. irtv «dd yeara. The Flagslii]> Philadelj>hia is the Ad1 niiml’» liome while in port, nod 1 li.s niiss;on Litli»r is very prob bly known br.t to —himself. Ix the cutting dowuof sa!aries ōn u b isis of pay for services rendertd, the CounciIs should not foiget to slice the Sccretiry of tlie Board of Immigr>tion > abont one liaif. He hus several i other incomes whieh «re large ! and the tax p.>yers mig t. in h:s • case ut leust. olilain u 1 ghtened j ! bnrden. Dming the last twenty- ■ five duys, an add.tn>n 1$5 00 per > «lieni h.s Leen added to tlie p«y i of ti»e olliee. aud he is not even an Auieiiean. ■ ■ — ■■ , —,,