Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 97, 26 April 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Business Cards H. LOSE, >Totarv I^uhlie. Collector and Gencral Bueincss Agent. Patentee of Lose’s Ohemioal Compoi nd for Clarifying Cane Juice. Suh-Āgeni for several of the Best FIRE L\SURAXCE COS. Mnloal Tel*ptione ». P. O. Box X(S. M(?relu«nt street, Honolnln. DASCISG Cl ASEES. nvx LYONS’ D\VCIVT rr.\S>, an’llw rha->~ 1 frvn the f>RtL». Snrn Aatox Hau, whie’i be h•» r»*iite 1f >r ri’iSDA Y, THt*RSDAY anJ PA CUBDAY ot e.eh week. f ' , ’he S tnrl <v orjuiĪ7 Jrl i'S f-trCoit lren wi’l m---t it tht* Ari-»n at 2 o‘<’b>ok S.itnr<l <v aftern «>n. Apr 1 7;h. iin Tnt-s tay eeenini?. A >ril 10tu. at 7 i <>VI >ck, a cUsi will lv f l for M»*u anil P >ys. On Tanr-:lav ift *rn>ri. a* .1 o’cl->ttc V ril >2th. a --iH-e’al cias. .v 11 h.> fonu-1 for II «w iia’>s. Ti e e’i for iJI lay Papils wi!l be 25 eenU a l«ssoa. 0:i the :*h>ve div> Mr. Ly >n e.iu be seen 1 at tt:e Hall froin !> to 12 noona* M»>,4 21 City*a Wleat Market Oppo. Queeu £mma Hall, EstabiisbedJ1883. JOS. TINKER, !Lf bUjc^e^ Malcer of the 9 jCelehrated Cambridge Pork Sausage~! ] Tby Tuem. Meat Delivered to Any Part of tue City aud Suburbs. Mutual Telephone Nmnber 289. T.H.Davies&Co KAAHUMANU ST., Honolulu, : : H. 1. j GENERALand I Commission %*■ i -*-¥ Merchants — AXD — SUGAR FACTORS. ACE>*TS FOR LioV.in :— iinuah an<t Foreign Manne Inscranee Cjmpauy. Limited. Northern Aaanmnee Co. tire 4 life. Px»neer Line of Paekeu from Lfv- ' j erpool. 1awai.au Line of Packets. j Cmllan Pasifi3 Kailwai Ca. A!fD Cmiias-AastraliaB Co. I Liverpool OrncE; The Albm j-> OW HaD St. MOio-m BRDCE & A. J. CARTWRICHT . I of a Fi<incianr Natnre Tr*nsacted. j !'rompt attention given to »he manaeemeni t of Eatatea, G i<udunahipi. Tru»’.a.j ete.. fetc., ete. Offiy*, : Ca iurigtt BuUding, Merehant Street, Honolula. | . I GHAS. CIRDLER, Importer auel Commission Merchant l ! SPECIALTffiS: I J. Jt P. Coata’ Maehine TVrea 1 Jaaas BrockT Maehine Thre»T Ii-irb>iFa Lmen Thre«d Peaiu’ So«p P. O. Box 25S. Mntaal Talepb-** J56 1 i j W ILaaloi jj «un 3:wet.