Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 97, 26 April 1894 — A SPRING FLOWER. [ARTICLE]

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“ Forget-m }-not, ’ at the Opsra Honse —

Tue perfonr nee at the Oper* H iuse l.isteve.:ing, bv the Dxiley Co. bronght together another : Urge and «ppreciative andieuce. The princ»p-»l char«ct»r, Ste l pHmie Mnlirv»rt n» t) wis v«rv b'v sast»ined bv M iss M»y N »nn-try. Mr. D »rrel d int m plavel th» p»rt of Sir 1 H «mee M e!b\ exceedinglv well. ! M rs. F. M B ttes was not as g'\od as eij>ectel as Mrs. Foley esp''ciallv ia the m:ike-ap of the chnncter. Miss Gene Nnnnary pl »yc»l her part, of Aliee Verney. ia a’i acceptable mannor. The pl »•w »s well m»nnted and the orcl:t-stn c>mtrib >te»l \ m ic!i townrds the pleasuie of the amlienee. Tie *bsence of Jt>sie Gissman. 5n «n interpol.«tion, w; s nnis.sed Satnrd «y afteruoon “Peek’a Bad B iy” for the chddrcn, and Satmd »y night the stirriug melo-dr«ma “Sl:alowsof a Groat Citv.” Sd;its on sale now at Mr. L. J L"vey’s.