Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 97, 26 April 1894 — AN ANNIVERSARY. [ARTICLE]

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Court Camoes (A. O. F.) Celebrate3.

Tbe “sonnds of rerelry” whicb the rnany passers by, of the Kn'gbts of PytliikS hall on Fort s‘reet,amloabte<i : v heanlTuesd>«y evenins were occasioned bv the n » celebration of the first birtbday of Conrt Camoes No. 8,810 An cient Onler < f F«»re»ters. The invitations had been issned f'»r a week past i»nd among t!ie 5nvited gaests present »ere represenfatives of tbe Bullelin, St>ir and Holomia. Eight o’eloek sharp was tue honr set for the occnrrence of the first eveut on the progn»mme and whieh was the exbibition of a larga nnmber of beautif 1 iiintern sl:des depicting scenrs in England lreland, Scot lt»nd; Egvpt (the home of tiie Pyraoiids aud the Sphinx>, in heantifnl Venice, classic Rome and amid tho gr*»r.d interi"rs »»f the c»thedrals of Prtris. Mrs Dr. MeLennan described the passing views to the large and appeeeiative audience ns eaeh scene wns thrown npon the cart‘»in bv Mr. C Heidemann, who manipahited the Iantern. The lantern show being ended the guests had opportmi tv to 5nspect the tasteful decorations and later on to indnlge in the hospit;»lity of their bosts who presented a bonnt : ons spread prepared by Mr. J. W. ehapmnii a calerer well-kmwn in Sydney and Vancouver B C. now with the Sans Sonci Hote1, The inner man. and wom;*n, being amply provided for, Dr. MeLennan the chairraan of t!ie committee of arraugements state»l th»tterspichorean esercises wonhl be indnlged in and 5iis assist »nts immed:ately aided WHll-flo.»ers nnd strangers to take active part in that poition of tlfe festivities, lo the music nf n select orohestra whieh played eutrancing w»Itzss, popular polkas and lively qnadril!es. The raidnight hour eame and went bef»»re the party separated the opinions expressed on leaving testifing freely that tho first i»nniversary of Court C imoes was a ranst pleasurable aff.iirand fally enjoyed. The comni't l ee of anangeraon's to whom greatcredit isdu - f<-r tlreir exertions to provide for the eomforts of all present. consisted of Dr. MeLennan. A. V. Peters. J. F Eckhanlt, J. S. Amlnule, M. A. Gons’»lves J. A GousaIves. J. C. Q iiun, A. C. Pestana and F. W. W ood.