Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 96, 25 April 1894 Edition 02 — Another Fraud. [ARTICLE]

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Another Fraud.

The Midw!nler Fair as far as ti;e Mawuiian v»llag>* is concerned is evide t!y worried by the exj csaies ra;t»le in tko Holomi a i agaīnst the jH)(>i treatm»nt < f the ! unf> rtuiiate uat \>s who were, nmler’f:«lse pretencvs, indactd t-; 1 gu to lli.it sujx rb bumbng We i>iiblisii tlie f»>llo\v.ng eanl whieli i apjae«red in tbe HulUhn Ia>t u ght. • This is to certify thnt we t!ie I nndersigaed (Hnw»tiians). niost : pos:lively denv the assert on pub- | Iished iu the H< Li MlA. st»t : ng that wo areill tre teJ, poor’y fe<ī. and badlv houstd F.»r fr>un s«lleriug nny inconvenie> c >, we are greativ pleased with our manag»r. «nd wonld bo hapj>y if tlie Mi»l\vinttr F <ir \v>>uid 1 >>t i year |nrt>\ o. Ha»l we sntfl?Ted privatious. we wonld m>t lmve leinaine»l in Saii *Fr.incisco this leugtli of time. W'e wish it kaown t!i»t onr man«ger. Mr~ W. F. J»esser, is a inan nf honor, integrity au>l justice hav;Rg treated eaeu «nd every member of the village with uniform kiudness, mure as u father thau a manager: Mrs. Mary 0. Cook. Mrs. Marv Ailau. 3Irs Mary Victor, -?>Iiss Annie Reut-r, 31 rs. Emity Bronght»n, Mrs. Keoni Ailueue. Keoni Ailneue, John Moses Ulunahele. J. B. Cook, 3V’illiam Oli;is. Elia. It. Matt>iew. 1 1. P. Kaihumna, Nunu, William Yi la, Mrs. S irah Oou Oou. Bill Kimali, 3Fss Bebecc» Naapuwai. Auuie Hila, 3. i». Wahie, Hanajm)!hi>*jK», Pu » lv » hniu.ia, J;m»>s E Shaw, Mrs E. Saaw. Mrs J. M. Ulauahele.” The Eulleiin that has, as well as this jonrnal, condemned the ontrageons scandal whieh is performed under the raan>igenieut of 31r. Tliurston aiul “lesser” j)eojde is evidently very anxious to throw its Colnmus oj>en for any attack on tha HjL0X Itis a ji’ty t!»at our esteerae»l evening eoutemporary did not nuution the sonrces fr> m whieh 5t gaiued tl>e “denial” »>f t!ie statements th»t luive aj>pe«red in the Holompa in reg ird to the Hawaīian village. TI:e Ba(letin and its friemls, ! 3iessrs. Thnrston, IIobron an>! L(?)esser raay have succoeded in indncing the Ha\viiims at the 3Iidwinter f.i'T into signing the eanl, ahove j>rinte»l, bnt \ve !mve individaal letters from the j>ers>)us in questiont aml >tat> ments from pe>>ple who have “been ther«j" that make ns be!ievo tbat tlie card iu Ihe B"IUtin is eituer bogns, or. if that j> iper i-< riglit. j wus sustaiued tlirongh bull-»I>>z ing or llire>its. We sha!l return to this sr.l>ject as soon as we liave a ehaneo to interview Mr. Wiliiam 3’.»la who »<>\v aj-j ens —in g >od company—is a Midwiuter freak an>l in the meautime wo shall eougn»tnlate 3Ir. 3V F. j L( ? )ess«'r —whoeverbemayl>e—< n being calL-*d “a father ra >re tiian am, nager’ by 3Jr. Thniston J s select fi iends H.»n »j>oj)ola, Aunie Hlla, Mrs KeouL Einene etc. etc.