Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 96, 25 April 1894 Edition 02 — Albert Francis. [ARTICLE]
Albert Francis.
The Cbief J stīce is ev:d- rtiy ;bore the l»w at.J «l» ve criticism. He dogged’y rtfnses 4o answer tbe charges tnade «gainst him hv the HoloxCa in r?g»rd t > his iroproper and unw*mat«d «ppointment to tbe giardiaQship of the children of C. A. Brown. ; Mr. Jndd tbinks taat he ean, throogli his eilene. - *. “i va us down *s it were Mr. Jndd f r g»-ts tbat wKen ke siuks int > n s gnve. c».vered w.th igaofniay becacso he mi>osed !iis power. this jonrnal and an editvr will ex;st and \vr;te on his m nnraent ■ Hero lTs a man wbo did not dare to answer the pehlie when accosc»l pob!ic!y of Joing wrong