Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 96, 25 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — The Feast of Nations. [ARTICLE]
The Feast of Nations.
In tlie pnbl n yestenlay in t'iQ Hol »Mrv *>f returns mule !>v t .o T.-irious b •<»tlis wliieli ns<'st il t!te snee • ■il i>-nc of t!ie b.iZiir livlil nniler t e titte of 'i’lio Feist of N it!ous th*“ list \vas incompIete bv re :son o{ t'i« co:nm:»sion <-f »n error iu tlie oraissi*m of t!ie insertion of , tli« verv exee!leiit recor l nnule bv t!:e M xic»n-iSp.-inish i> • ‘Ii iu eh ug ■ * f Mrs, P oal Nmm inn. T!ie retr.r:is mnile from tiiis part:ca!;*-r fe it.:re of (iie f.iir, ‘ slio \s exce!lent mamgMaent, as ; is uu»st promineiitly dīsp1ave<l iu tho < xj»e;ise neeounl, «nil t nJs t> enipbasise t!ie lieartv goo<l will with whieh the ilirectres.s: aiul assist»nts cntere»l into an<l • cn.rrieil out the objeet intended. I Tue list as pre?ented yesterdav . being lhns iu orror. is again prescute<l iu reviseil form in this issue, as fol!ows: Eoonm K‘».tts. Ext. Xrr arr. i j Aoaeri*Ma 73 00 00 336,73 | Kua-Ii 577.35 230.00 3“J7 33 Xur , y * Swe*Ien 467.00 17247 2M.53 , 2» 75 49,55 25020 : : Ponngn«ee 197 65 €9.S6 127.79 , 157.25 2s.95 12SJ0 : ! 297.55 193 67 10l.SS i : Uu'uiipaauL 107.05 10.00 07.05 Oenniū 52 S5 6.50 54.33 , lonim 114.10 53.77 S23t* j Grwk 113.3' 61.52 46.35 i ( Oaineoo iOU.'J0 aoolu 90 ‘ L*ve 1» ,Us 4300 * S0.7a 13.00 • 14.75 I