Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 96, 25 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — THE 'SANSOM’ STORY. [ARTICLE]
A Fractical Joke ona P.G,
Mr J. A McC ird’ess is a rerr i niee snd .« very man j »ltI:oagU l»e isn t M»trsha! jet. j Ue hns all the t;i!ects aml qn«U t es fhat u-onl 1 make him saitable for that incportRr.t bnt • r : M .~=rs. H:tcUeoek !i >1 An»lre»s ire stiil swjr.gf ing tl»o elah and. b\ i r- xy, breakiug :ir;:,s .-»nd lvgs oi 1 tiie tx, :ivers. 2-1:. McCan<Uess bore! his \v.y \VasliingtoD Sfiiue t> me : go and hebored him- j s if into the J5emte Comin:tte€ on | HawaiL If «n nrgrateful coni;trv j w<.n’t »!iow hM to l e the heael \ of tLe <]etectiv* s Le onghtat ’e.ist j to rece:ve s<:icet!iing for esliibit- | irg an im .g : n ttion that w.>oId ! nj ;ke l.im sn t .l>Ie for the nnthnr i ship < f detective nove!s. Mr. Mc e.iiulU ss w.-is siinj.lv great beforc | tbe c> inioittee aud Senator Mor g<n loole h m in :;s easy as the SenaL>r t.<I:es in a fee from our! iiiwu:>cnl t<> !>. g. On liis \vay to 1 33 . sh :;gton. ai.<l on Iiis \vay b.u*k. <>nr * , boring” friend, \\h<> is not ; M irshai yet. staid at Vaaconver 1>. C. ar.d t!.ere he met “C.<j>- j l.iin’ » Sins>!ii, Ihe gontleman j w!iose n m.e scired W (). S:»ith j :iud brotig,it 'liieu. H. D.<vies into (<:*.! ger—uml a hnmewunl | bonn<l stca,ner. Mr. J. A McC.»mlless »vrote ;< 11 ubnnt it to the I ijc:r tte and \vas < vident!y pleased bv meeting “b id” Smsom. 15nt 1 »lid lio uieet him ; Tiiat is at Icast wb.it an eBfeen ed correspoiulent j qu>‘stions by tlie Arawa from ; Vauconver und>-r <h<to <>f April 15th. He \vvites that Mr. MeC.tmllt ss, Mr V Biowa «nd Mr. Jack r»auk:n \vere oul together one nig .t and were paiutuig tl»e l t >\vn a pleasant j>nrple hne. D ir u;g tliis ngreeablo work the ! |“|.<ilice” iustinct of onr fellow j eit.v, n. Mr. McC.iml!ess, \vas i aroused, aud he expressed a de- 1 • sire t i see “bad” S»nsom. He j pr».bably !ntende«l to ehew him j r.j>. bef»>’ro he und his troops g t i ehanee to c<>me aml lielp Dav:es £gi;tiug l-v \vr;ting letters to the HoU'Hn. ‘ C;ij>tain Sniisi>ni” who j evcr lie may he wns not avail ,ble j bat r .th r t i;in seei.ig “hand- ! s iuo Jack” <1 s .ppoini •<! —after 1 sett:ng nj) the “smiles” h : s , friend.s hired n well known char-1 acter, who soccessfullv imper- ( s<«n.»tcd Sansom and “charmed” j Jack tho “borei.” And thus st rtcd ail the ramors abont the i Canadiaii invasion in Hawaii. i 0f course, \vo are relnctant to behove the trnth of our corres pon.leiit’s y.irn, beeanse w<> do ; m t believe thut our shre\vod ftd-lo\v-eit;zvii eouKl be t ken in so easlly. l»nt tho lvtter is lu“re, and \vo a!\vays «ilow sjace to«ny who h is somtthiiig to say ;»buut publ:c nmn or piihlie iff us. Ayo even to A. Francis Judvl —wken ho gots ready.