Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 96, 25 April 1894 Edition 02 — Where He Got It From. [ARTICLE]

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Where He Got It From.

Tlio ruinistor of linanee is oni i ... spocial fneml. Pucr htt!e Busli i says that his excellency is our financial part ier, (v\o \vish he was!). Bnt in spite of thcse as sertions, we mlruit th it the q;reat fiuancier never tol<l ns \vh re he j got his brillimt fiuiucial ūleas froin. Wo clou’t a!lude to “Browu” mortg>ges nur tu “Bauniug” iuvestnieuts nor to his own little transictions. We j siiuply doal with his oliieiai business, and we «dmire hiai because be has found means where\\ith he eoulil swell our dej>leted treasnry. Of course. we do uot ref«*r to tho 8.tle of guverument bouds to the £ishop estate. aml , other official transactious. bat we hnvo in our miud that great scheme cf the boss fiuancicr. whon he pot Hawaii ou a sound fi:iancial basi . bv issuii>" nnd • O S‘Ilirg postage stamps to eol!ect ing fiendsand cranks. B..t, a!as! even that brilliant **conp” isa‘t original. Ee«d the fullowii>g froui a London p«pcr. aud weep for the financ.il f.nno of Soapy Sara: “Tbe fioauc r .d condition of St. i Helena is at present eugag‘ng the attention of Ihe actbnrities at the Oolonial Office. The rcvenae is on!y £7d000, cf wh eh neariy .£1800 goes in pensions, and Ihe isl.md Iias a debt cf aboct J X2000 of whieh abont £130u is due to tbe Imperial Gorernment. The island bas been able to just pay its way duriug tbe Iast ye.»r , by resorting to sucb devi*es as tbe sn1o of loeal st.uu r !i t > oulleotors (tbis produce X139), and by | depnvicg officials un leave, uf their aaianea, duriug tboix abMuee from wo*k.” i,