Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 96, 25 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Business Cards 11. LOSE, CSTotarv Euhlie. Collector and Gentral Business Agent. Paleniee of Lose’s Chemical Compoi vd for Clarifying Cane Juice. Sub-Agent for sei'eral of the Best FĪRE%ĪXSURA\CE COS . Mnmal i'elepliPiH* ». P. O. VerrIi!Uit slreet, īinnnlnln. DASGIBG CIASEE5. n.N LTONS’ D WCIVO ri.AS» .riU he ehanip-1 frora t'ue Sm't> Vkios lI\Lt. vrhie’i Le h's ren f e1 f'>r T(’FSDAY, THUBSDVY i-.m! S\TURDAY ot e.;oh ;:tv»i ‘_’t Meat Mapkel Oppo. Qaeen Emma Hall, EstablishedllS83. JOS. TINKER, Malrr of ihe\Celehrated Cambridge Pork Sausage'! Try Them. 3Ieat Delivered to Any Part of tue City and Suburbs. Mulual Telt pUone Numbor 289. T.H.Davies&Co KAAHUMANU ST.. Honolulu, : : H. 1. GENERAL ani> Commission %*■ Merctumts — AND — SUGAR FACTORS. AGFXTS FOR L!oyds ;— Bmish an<ī Foreign Manne Insnranee Compauy, Limited. Xortbem A«nrauce Co, fire Jk life. Pwneer Line of PaekeU frotu Lfrerp wl. Li ie of Packets. eanailan Paci[c Rsflfay 03. ***> C3safi23-AiistraiiHi Co. L:\ ertool Or>i.;E:T2e Albary. OMHāUSt. H019-MI 3HU0E&A. J. CARTWRICHT Bosiness oi a Filnciary Natare Tr?nsacted. . Piumpt attentioa gir»n to the mmageraent of Eatates, G >ar!iaaah:tH, Tms:*.| etc., etc. Ojfiys, : Ca. *f >.criyh( Building, Merrhint Street. HoaohUn. 0HA8. CIRDLER, Importer and Commission Merchant] SPECLAl.TmS; ; J. k P. Cuats’ Maehioe Thre»l Ltw Brooks’ Maehine Thre* i; BarboarNJLtQai Threod Peon' Soap , P. O. Box JM. Milul Teit p'k n*