Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 96, 25 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
TH E /\WA V P V DED, A.nlieviser-33usch Brewing Co. w i° : the I?rize at the '\V’orld , S l"air with their | EAGL il J3raiid’iieer. St Locis. Oct 23.1893. Messrs. Macparlave <fc Co., L’d, Honolula, H. I. Dcar S'rs: —We Lave mailed _tou a copy of Hie Glo>je-Democral announcing the great victory w >n by t'ie Axhcc.se:; -Bcsh Associatiox with tiie;r * £AGLL J3rauJ of I3eer. [SigneJ] ANHEUSEP-BrSH BEWING ASSOCIAIIOX. I JJfiSln onlerIng this Beei besuretoiisk for tlie , ‘EAGLE‘’ JJraud. Aiacfarlane Co., M:«r. 14- 2:tk1. A<jenl*/ur Hwaiīun D' oids. AT THE CLUB STABLĒS. “ CREOLE,” 21,702. u1ad3 at Stockton, Cal. Sept. 23, 1393. Sire. Pwniplpi, 2,30ō. by BI r c Bnll. 7-'>: 1) un. Gmce, by •■•r. 2,0.)5 Prompfer is »lso the Sire of Apex, tJ:2(S; Tnii'it, 2:281; 'V.ilk, r :’2.: ; \V,.l-'. 2:27 ’.; Cliico, 2:24: and of the Rnms l>rill:uutim>, 2:17 V>s -r, 2:23. *V..: ■ l" ;> i. r>7 ck, ouehind while fi>ot and smull stripe in fnie. Wfigbt. I.OōO ponud.s; is very stvlisb, ”eutle, a ! good prodncer >>nd » gsu>e n,ce 1 <>rse, Wili stau.l f,,r u linjit, l nuui'- r of unirea at i FIFTV (sōO) DOLLAIīS FOR THE SKASOX, p>yab!e nt tiux> s»tvkv. This burse | was bred iu 1802 to forty-six moies au>l produecl forty-tw o cu ts. feb 17-im 13 H DAVIS. QR:PW AT A PQETER ? Robinson liloek, Hoiel >S7„ heiween Forf an l Muuanu, Have Ji st F< <<vd. 1 1 r Ir te /11 i\f .1 1 e 1: 1} «; f 1< 1 e f FUE 3UIUBE Ever IinfOrted to t' is C 'iu trv. Coniprisiug Handsom2 Carved Bedroom S:ts In Solitl Oak, andof the LA TESTDESIGXS. ESPECIAL ATTENTI0N 1S CALLED T0 T ;ESESETS: WI OKLEK. WARB, Beaut ful Dvs gns "f Wiok-r W tre, consist ug of S0FAS, CHA1KS, ROCKERS, et.\, v>m em g>: t'ie,s; in any FIMSHyo i A*sire. CHAIRS, Conutless numbers of CHAlRS. iu »-vorv stvle, i .clalmg 0I FICE nmi HIGH CHAIRS 1^303:3, We bave h«d a nutuber of calis f->r thes r ' T•■,•> *s. w.t r CHAIKS t * mnieh. We h »ve now in stock {h*‘ ni *st BEfiUTIFUL DINING RDOdl FUT:ilTUR£ ! EVER SEEN HEKE. Sideboarcls and -;- ChiiFoniers ~%ja. :kt s , -7 i D vans covere»l w th PORTIERS »re bec>ming q ;,t ' t’ie nge in pl.iee of LOUNGES-we :u »nufictuj.* tiiesn to er.ler, and have a laige stock 6f POKTIERS to sel ct froai. beediitgGre Assortment of WOA E' y >’ W IRE MAT rR£S>ES—S;>r ng. H ■ ir. Mnss, and Slriw Mattres>*es on Lin I »•> 1 rn» ;e tu order. LIVE GEESE FEATHERS •« d SILK FL'JSS f r P.i o vs. CRIBS. CRADLES ele. AV£NDOW bHADES of all colors a- 1 s Z s. P JLES, in wood or br trī rmings, X X - Mattrcsses, Lounges an,l all L t»hoIstered Furuiture rs?paired al iraso<iable r> trs. CA.BIKET MAKINO. in ali >ts br.inches. by C>nuv‘tf t Workmen. MATTING LAID md Int rior Deeor.ti: g u*ider the Saj>erv.siuu of Mr OEORGE ORDWAY. , Our Goods .>re F rst Chss. and .->ur pr:ces are t e Iowest Come and be c>nviuced —a tri«l is s>lic te«l. Ro!l 52ō. TELEPHOXE*t Mnh>ai f»Lō. ORDWAY & PORX£B. Robu»on Uīuek, b< twcou Fott au*t Nnoanu Racc Rccord: Fourth Heat 2:15. Br 4 oul>.1.8SEWEū DFru 3H JHALI MARV % & & H> £ L-7? c7 i-. W r2 7/ 7/. H » £ 'ii m u i H&'W 9