Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 96, 25 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HAWi\ll HOLOf/IU\, IS rCELISHED Everv Aftemoon EXCErr srxDAT cy the Holomua Publishing Co. At K»ng St (TLomas block), Honolula, H. I. %j ** V•- •••• Wv v• -• Tbe pa;-cr :h ōc!iTered br Cnrrer» in '’ie an «nlnul •. S:niHe »'••(•i,•» f>r '•aie at the Netr» De;tl»-rs aua at tLe of publ:cation. £DKUVD ,‘JORRIE. - • Edilor A3R4HfiV FER'>f'lDEZ, ■ Mar^er \(rncE. \U Hni Oomm'iPie <tion» «honH l>e «i1iire*sel (•> Ahrdb.ua l'Vru.iu.lez, Hun.»luln, II. I. Corres’»mi h nce nnl Oonrtiannif»ticns for •mlilii iti.‘ti ahonl 11»e i l iress<-1 t.i the F>iiU>r ll i'nii Hil imnu. N > n.niee nill be piiil to anjr unonymon« conuuionioations. I?usinoss A. P. PETERSON, ATTOENEY AT LAW. OlHee: 11.1 Knalimnann Street, Honolnlu Hawaiian I*lancU. CHAKT.ES CEEIGHTON, ATTORXEY AT LAW. Offi 11-1 Kaahnmann Street, Honolnlu IL'Wuiiau lalan.la PAUL NEUMANN, attorn t ey at law. 314 Merchnnt Street, Honolulu, Mutanl īelephono 415. CLARENCE W. ASHFORD, ATTORNEY ASD a>UXSELLOR AT LAW. Offi.-e. Old CapitoI Ru:Ming, (Honolnln >iale>, a.ijoining Post Offloe, Honolula. JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU, ATTORNEV AT LAW, OiF.cc, comer King A Bothel Sts LEWI8 J. LEVEY, Real Estate an«l Henenil Auctioneer. Oormer,Fort anJ Qnoon Streete. Honolnln Persou:tl Httention p : von to S;\!e? of Farniluro, Re:tl Estste. Stook anJ Gener«l MeicLumlise. Mnlnal T hphone 2.1S A. BOSA * attouney at LAW, No. 16 KaaLumanu St., Houolala, Hawaiian lslamls. lCmpire 8aloon, JAMES OLDS, ITi0P*irT0R. Fins liqnQi% BssP, ALWATS ON HAND, Con»ie» Nuuann an4 Hat«l StreeU Telepboac 241. Po*t Office Eox 10T W. S. LUCE Wine and Spirit Mercliant OimpheU Fire-proof Blvck, MERCHANT ST.. HONOLULU. THOMAS L1NDSAY Mnnnf(d‘.trinj JtvrUt a~ul U’u ichmaktr. V >l»«rn/ D>ork. M<6 l'ort St„ Uonoluia