Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 96, 25 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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CHEAP FTJRNITTJRE ! VIJC6 FAT &Ce« Comer of King acd Betbel Sta., Hoiiolnln, Offer » large aa«ortmeDt of fine and dcsirable, FURN1TUBE, whieh they sell at a rery low fignre. Bedateads, Boreaos, Mest Safe«, Wardrobes, etc., at pneea to 8u»t everybody. Call and inspect for yonrselve8. nnr 12 TOG FAT & CO. • HAf[-YU-0flO0tlA JUST|RECEIVED from JAPAN Several Kind of Colton Crape, Latest Styie of Shirts in different qnahtles. fcjreat A$ortment of porceIain Tea Sets a Si>ecialty Japancse Lanterns and many Cnrios snitable for Christro8s Goods. 411 KING STEEF.T, Honolnlo. T«lephot«*, Bell 474. l’.O. Bci SSS. Mntnal 544. nol3 Im Criterion Saloon PFR AUSTRALIA, another Invoice of the celebrated JOHN W£ILAKD Ar.so, a Fbesh Ixvoice of fokL. H. DEE, Proprictor. .Sans Snnci HDTEL. WAIKIKI, UONOLULU. Firsi~Cfass Aeeommooa- • iions for fourisis and /sfand i Guesis • SUP€RI0R BATHIKC FACIUTIE8. Frinte Cott»get for FairilieS. T. A. SIVP60K. Mtnxsgrr