Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 96, 25 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
V), E, MclNTYfl E LERSJN Groceries, I > ro\’isions ĀSD Feed, EAST CORNER FORT A KfNG ST3. New Goods Rec d Bv ev<»TT Pscket froni the JIastern States ami Earope. Fresh C.ilifomi* l’roduc« bv ever>- steamer, AH onlers failhfnllv allen-le»! t’. and G*>'<ls ‘1e!ivcre\l to anv p<irt of the citv FREE 0F CHAKGE. Islan l Onlors Solicited. ' Sat sf -elion Gaaranteed. Post Oiīlee 1toi N > 145. Telei*hooe N«. 98,
POL'N D MASTER’S XOTICF. Notk» v« herfhr "irm to »!! per«oa«, that thrre are st the Ōoren»nit at Po«»d Makiki, thxro stn*red mare» an i one horse. I poor rcan m*rr, (rtt *re while, braa.U'.i P K on rght hind les. I poor *h:w mare. sore haek, hrande»l jj N oa . nght k‘ n ‘* leg. I poor r»d nnue. l.>as white spil on th« forehe*d. hrnndel II E on rijrbt hin l le§; an<l 1 p.>or re»l h.>rse. h'» i.l in.lescrihsh5e. \ar persoa or j)crs.»..is own>ng these snim>vls *re re<iaest.sl to coi<* nt>d lake the s*me on or hef.»re 12 o’eloek noon SATUHDAV. MAV. A INU. JAMES KUKONA, Ponn.l Master. Makiki. Apr. 19. ISM. «|>r *>-'J Capt. Wm. Davies, INTER-ISLAND PIL0T .roH. Any Port or Landing- in the Ilawaiiau Tslands. Inqnire »t o(Bce of J. S. W*:ra orer Sprectel’4 Ih'.ak. feh T DAIBIPPOB Hotel street (Arlington Block.) The «bore Store hss receire<l «nolher Spiendld Iuvoioe of Japanese JSilk. Fancy Goods, Pcr S. S. “China.” —COMIKISlXO—BEAUT1FUL SILK DAN CRAPE, Dress Goods in «II »hade, plain and tignred. Cashions, Tahle Corers, Bed Corers, 0<>wn», Chetuises, Shawls. Silk Crape R;iliow S0ks, All CoIors Fancy Draperies. EHBBOID£RED HANDKERCHIEFS, Doillies, Sc>rfs, &»shes, Jackets, Ciq>s. Etc., Etc. NOVELTIES: The rricesof these Ooo 1» will astonish yoo, iucluding ELEOaNI SILK KIM0N08! IIandsome Cigareth» C>»se», Pin Cnshioas, Silk Tea Coasies, LlR(iE 1XD»MILL J 1*J1ESE K10S Silk Umbrell«s, li({ht bot strong; Chair S«ddU-s, Sillc; Bsmboo BliniŪs, titie»l with poIler»; Silk Lan, Shades, new »trle. JAPANESE SCKEE>S. From 93 fp. HR(iE JlPiNE.SE UIBKELL1S Can he Set with Pole In the gronnd, niee for Picuics or Lnnehesont t>( door», th»jy eau be opened out or used aa • tent. CUTTON CRAPi:S IS UKEAĪ VAR<ETY Lyiaspection Ke*re-ctfnl’r Iurited. MES. J. P- P. COLLACO. Proprietres3. A prl2-3ru8 LAB0R BDREAD. THE AilEKICAN LEAOUE Begs !cave to «nnoonee that it liiui estab ished an £tnploymeot Uuretu m eonneelion wtth the Ainerican Leigu*i. We will bo pleased to farnush yoa with skilled or unskilled labor witbout anv fee for the engtging snch Ubor. Tbe !abor enr >lled with us ia of the foliowiug nationklities: • Americao, Portagaese, Hiwaiian. Oenoan, Acd other Earopoan Nutionalities to open a corredpondeoce with yoa on this »abject, We remain, Yonr obedient serrants, ĪH' Amebican Leaoue Emploihbvt Bukeau. Address all eommunieitiom toTHEO. P. SEVERIN. Secretan\ | aur 2Ī-4L P. O. Uox m
Thoroughbrecl OOGS for Sale THE ENOLI3H SETTER “Honolulu Grirl,” BreJ at the Olenmnn? Kenne’s, Berkeley, Ch1». Registered (N*. 31.093) A. K. C S. B.. New Y<>rk. Sired by R.. tr : nner o( ,it the Pa; cifio C<>ust Fiel l Tri J at R«keī*tiel>lin 1 j he bv R > luey (9,490) trom Phyllis II (2,165), Roiluey, the s>re »f I.ee R . by !»■>: D.. fpirn K«te D . [3,715] fr.»m Phyll.s II (2 165] R tke [212] fr»m Phyilis 474. l'he thtm of H»u >ln.u Girl was Pelle G1aJstoae, the only «langhter on the P«cific Co«ist o( ehauipkm Gl««lstn>ie V113); froui Zcll, (3,S64i.; by Dan, [1,336], from Ghampion Petrel, [8,427]. THE POINTER * Honolulu Duke/1 (30,«S53), bred at tlio Sltabb >ua Keunels t Ottnva, 111. hy Devonshire Son, (7,843); from Sh .irhs, (5,253). The D >m <>f Hmolnln Duke it Helle, by inek; from Ueiie D. by Trinkett’s Bung. (4,117). Honolulu Duke is thoronghlv br ke ou phe >s mts, with sti»unch po nts—>n all-d>y d<>g. F >r farther p,irticulars. apply to or address W. M. CUNNINGHAM, mar 10 Anchor Saloon. CALIFORNIA Wine Company 407 FORT STREET, Mclnernv Block, JOBBERS OF WINES, and SPIRITS dEMENT AND (jraqi1i8 Laid. Estimates given on all kinds I of 0tons, Cūi]crĒte W/oi^ Concrete a Specialtv. JNO. F. BOWLER. janl7 3m H. E. McINTYRE A BRO., Grocert, Feed Store & Bakert, Corner of K5ng and Fort Sts., Honolulu C.T. AKANA iV|ei , cīīai]t laiioi" 324 Nnnanu Street , Suits Guaranteed To Fit and in tbe Latest Clothes Cleaned and Repa5red. ool7 WANĪEO. A BRIGHT BOY MUST HAVE a horse to deiiver newspapera. Apply at th« HOLOMUA OF {F£CE, Tliomos Biock, K.ug