Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 96, 25 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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An Eniph;itic Hit! • DAILEY’S* Stock Company Praised by Ei/erybody. TT 'EDNESDAV EVE.\’G, Fopg*-]V[e-j{ot:. | SATVRDAY \ Pec^’s-Bad-Boy. I SATURDAY EVEXLXG, THE 8HA00W8 ofaGREATCITY Pr!ces 50c„ 75c. and $1, f«>r s;ile at L. J. L*‘vey’s nioius, ccrner Furt and Queen sts. aj>23 Iw Anchor-;-Sa!oon Ex “Al r 3TRALIA.” Another Invoice of the Worid Rt nowned FRE0ERIC<SBU1G •LAGER BEER On clranght aml by llie keg. Also, as a Specialty, SMALL PRESH C 4L/F0\NIA 0YSTERS. FOR C()CICTA1LS L-23 1-n ;; KW0IG EUil CH0NG & 00. 1 C om.tr <£z 2BTJLild.sr I iPaiiiLin", A:c. fj 1 j We alāo keep onjhand 1 ; 8EDSTEADS. Mā t TRASSES. r Tables. 3ookcases' 1 M/rrors, Etc.. ; AJ THE L0‘.VEST UARKET PRICES 5 j No ‘211» Ki.«g st.. Uonoluln > • »leA a»»