Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 96, 25 April 1894 Edition 02 — Our Hypocrites. [ARTICLE]

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Our Hypocrites.

Tbe S 'ntl.«y baml concer<s «r3 yet worrying our Cbristian (1) oii:zens aiul ali tbe olil nomen , from Sereuo Jowu. nra out iu ’ foll war-paint agiiust tbo inii:>- ' cent atousement for tbe special benefit of tbe working classes. America, tbe ever praisetl couutry of tbe majoritv of our narrow1 mimleil byprocrites bas long »gn I ilonen way witb tbe Poritau ideas j tbat becxme oor ancestors &o well : when tbey burueJ "witcbes at | tbe stake and kept the sabbatl> : &tcred by getting boty Jruak »uJ kick ng tbeir wives. fcngl m.l. from wbere tbese iJiotic iJe.is of practical Cbristianity or giuateJ ia now begiuniug io em »ncipate berself aud heeome “e >utinentar' i. o oirilised. Tbe following from a late issae of Truth sbows thai even tbe Aibert Hall ean eoine up tu time *nJ join iu tbe universJ cry aguinst tbe ifuro«d ob«ux»auou oi • da/

that sin>piy shoald' be a d:y ofr:-st. pleasure and re'reatioa. an-I nut a d»y of pcn?5!«ra©at s ; the big «li«d ig- ! ncrant C>»ls <>! th<?C«mlral Uaion (not CanhVs) try to muko it. Trulh s-\vs: • “I ano gl.«d *0 see that. in spite of the u<>tice that ihe Albert Hall. Smd«v. mns!eal recit»ls were to be disco«.tiuaeil. a per formance on the orgm w.is g : -ven hy Mr. T >nk;ng iast Snnd<v. It is to l>e bope<l. that th;s indicates : iiie iutcnti<>n o«» the part of the Ali«ert Hall anthorit ; es t<> make | a st«nd ag«inst the insolcnt | tyranny of t ! ie Lord s Djv. per- j secntiou b g In eonneelion wilh this. we inight raeution t!iat none of oar Cfcristian i ?) contemporares nor our Christ au (!) autlu>rities (with tlie deedly clab) ni?e«l any objeotion UstSoud<y nig<!t when i ti«e P-«rtngn- > so l>and }>1 «yed the “Highbinders inirc*!i an.l siioilar • 'S:«ere«l ’ rnns;c in h-»uor of the HoIy Glu<st, who *‘took !« walk.” Th<> Portognese co!ony consists of conrse. of jvr*on/te rīrut i of the p. g , but we shonld | tl«iiik that they ougl«t to be restricte<l jis well as anvb xly else in |)l.-iyiug tnusic on Sund iys. and ; inakiug tiie *‘ghost walk ” Let ns get ri<l of all flie missionary n <useuses. and let tl«e “Westeru Civiliz.itiou ’ visits tlie.se islands H Serem>aud liisgangdon’t want ' t;> hear the h«nd on Su:id iv, let < tbem st-«y at home— an-l play i l>oker. or let t!ieia al! like our i esteemed Chief Justice use the S<bbath t j s;<!ve t!ie qnesti «n ‘How noi to aus\ver ;he Holomua.’ I :