Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 96, 25 April 1894 Edition 02 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]
[We do not. hold onrs«Ivei responsible fcr the opinione or the utteniaces of oui ! oorrespoudeuts.] Editor Holomua: Tliis morning’s Adveiiiser haa ! tlie following in its loc:il items: , 'Tlio st:ttement is inaele tlmt J. L. Kanlukou lias lieen uctive in | preventing tlie uativ3? at Ew.i | from paying tlieir taxes and regI isteriug. He tells ttiern tbat tf tliev nre sned, lie will defeiul tlieiu for notiiing ” Tliis is not true. Wbat I suid waa tbat tliere ! is no law forbidding people frora taking tbe oatli and tbere is also no law punishing people if they do not take tue oatli, and if tbey were arrested for not taking tl.e oath nnd not registerlng. I would defend tliem witbout a fee—and tlie ]>erson wbo informed tlie Adverti*er tliat I advised the natives not to pay tlieir taxes ongUt to be called u “liar.” Huw coald I bave advised the uatives to do so wben I bave alreadypa d my poll as well «s propertv t <xes? J. L Katlukoc. April 25, 1894.