Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 96, 25 April 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
T!ie re£i*tr:it:on of vot a rs in t it < barl>s uf Honolulu has Leen >ery l.gat. The Bi»rd rf Health meets thi? afternoou: a reunion after the lejirosy eiperU. A G. M. Rol>ertson will very pr> b ib!y ret-iin hi>» nominatt<’U, ' bject 01.3 agiinst Liiu beii g decuiedly tx parle. The Circnit Joilg*-s nnd several other proiuiner.t Gi»vernuifnt em; ’.oyees have neg!ected their oj>j.ort mity to register in Hono lo’u. The steamer Aniwa r.f t>ie Candi:.u An."tr lian linesailed for the Colonies last nig t, with srnall ira.l and no j» from here. Ti:e “fifty doIlar” limit was 1 > 1 ;■ \ ed nga:iist two j»assmgers by tlie S. N. Cast:o, but they • bliiHed' snccessfol!y and were nol “ealleel duwn.” Heavy rai».s «re pre<licted ns the weiither f»»i toraorrow eveuing L.d.es :tttei:ding the regi III,-ntal ball m:ty long reraember it in pnemnonie and other !ung troubies. “F rgt me not-’ to-night at the Oj»tra House. It is st.ited that the wife of tbe Aiuer.can M n ster is yery ill. Mr. ’’ay Wodeh<»use is yet in « prec.:r ous c»iiulitiou of health but it is hoj:ed th»t his strong const tution will ass;st him to entiie recovery. The p. g. designs in postal caids w 1 11 be p!aced on sale at the Post Olllee tomorrow morn The stcaiuer Anstraliu will sail at iioou, shar|>, ou Saturday for Iho Co.ist. Get youx muil ready iu time. Tho Planler’s Monthly for Aj»v;l is out «nd presents a bright ajij'enraiic-e both inside aad ontThe j» g. b iml ;is discoursit'g sweet soumls this «fternoon fur ; tho beu fit uf the j»atients at the | Qneeu’s Hospit«l. Tbo dato of eleelion of deleg,tes t»> the coining conveutiou is set for May 2ud—provided. The Co«ncil met this mornir.g, \ by ?pecial order froni 1 ist adj. >«riiineat, aml are cont:ii«ing 1 the e >iis der iti >n of their Ap-j ! ropri ilion hill. llis Lordsliiji the Bishop of Hon lnlu retmued to this city yestenl >v «fternooa by the sleamer W . G. II ill. T» night, tlie MannercborClub at Paeilio hotel p irlors Hany Klemme who is a jv>palnr favurite witb tbe Scbneiz ii el«b niembers is going to in.ike a storng j>«U in tbe eoming laee for de!egates to tbe coiivei>tion. Ad «ir.il Jobn G W*alker, aeeomp m:ed bv Admin»l Irwiu and «ids, visited Pearl Harbor yesterd iv. I * Mr D 'i'ey nnel Miss M «y Naniiary « f Dcile\’s Stock C>». were g i» sts at tbc rcce|>tion given bv Conrt A O F. at K. of P. ball last evening. The "last of tbe Kamehamebas” wmihl prob >bly smile. aodibly. at tue ilisi>lay of tbeir g<>ods at :>octioii. aiid wor.der, niaybap, wbere tbe goods e uue from. Tbe great bargain sale, of st >ple goods, is now ou the nortii-west curnor «>f Fort «ud Hot«l stre»ts and coutinnes d:iily aud uigbt'y. Tbe Uilie 9 eveu are beco>uii>g iuterestcd in the late itnj>ort «t.ons aud puneh’ »t tbe N 'lion’a feast is not to be i w>tb tbe eool creamy B»ok beer dispeuscd »t the Pau- * lUeou.
Lirely times in the CotQlcils __ The Boreao of Infremation not meet this a?ternooa. » « Tlie ba.se ball «e.isnn is expectetl to eommenee on the 5tb of May. A fnll hoose will agiin greet the Dailey Co. at the Oper« Hocse this evening. — I The little p. g. ban«l had a close eall to beinp shipped nway todty. Tlie Cooncils liad to vote twice on their pay. Mr Ena is becoming an Hawaiian ngain. - ■ ■■- ■■ - The Odd Fellows will raeet and celebnte their three nnd three- ‘ fonrth’s score nnnivers.m', to racrrow evenīng at Harmony hail. The following persons are booked as passengers by the AIameda on M iv 3nl: . Maertens and wife, Mrs S'nith tn.l 2 children, T. J. II : ggins and wife Mrs M. W. Patt»'rson. Mrs r» nning nn«l son. J C<>lo «ml \vife. T. W. Spragne, W A Wehster, A. B. Etnory, J. J. Bennett W. H. Irwin, W. £winertou aml | son, D. A. Hu!s 1 — I The stockhohlers in the Ha waiian Tea nnd Cotfee Co. beld a meeting at the ruoms of the Cliamber of Commerce this afternoon Mr. C. M. Cooke in tbe chair. There were piesent, Messrs F. A. Schaefer, P. C Jones, (representing T. M.•«>*;) J. Hoting, W. W. Hall, J. B. Atherton. | J. Hackfeld, Mirk Robinson. W. | Woon and F. Lewis. A leugtliv re]>ort of the condition of the affiiirs of the Company from Mr. Miller, the inaii:»gt-r. was read by l Mr. Schaefer, accepted aud ph«c- i ' ed ou file. Other letters and re | i ports were rei«d whieh tended to i siiow that the corpor «tiou is in-n. : healthy condition with excelleut j prospects ►