Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 96, 25 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters AND Provision Merc]iants 99 Fort Street. - līonoluln Farailie5, PIuctations an*l Ships snpplie»l with cboicest European JcAmerieanGrocrriff California Pnxlaee by Even* Ste 'icer. OCEAXIC SteamsliipCo Time Table. LOCAL LL\E. ‘ S. S. ArSTRALIA. Arr!Te Honnhilii I,e,ire Honolaln Lon^ Brancli BATHING Establishment. This Fii-st-cl«ss Bathm{? Resort hns been enlarpeil aml is now nj*eu to the public. It is the bost plaee on the islands to enj«y a bath «nil there is no better plaee to lay otl. Special aeeomraodations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door ever\’ balf ho :r and on Satnrdays aod Snndays overy fifteeu minutes. C»J. SHERWOODĪ Proprietor. N( )TIC’EThe partnership heretofore existing between Fre<lerick Harrismi ;«nd Arthnr Harrison, nnder tbe firm naine of Harrison llros. as C«‘iitractors an»l Cnilders, bas beeii.hvroainnl cousent diseolred, and »11 parties owing said £rm are hereby notified that poyraent of the sarae »nust l*e made to Frederick H:irrisou, who is «athori/.ed to nettie said basines3 wiihin thiity days fn>m d ite. Fp.ederick H.\BRIs0X, Abthch Habbiso.\. Uonolulo, H. f.. M »rch 27th, 18?4 tnar 28—Iw. LEW1S 4 C0. Whoiesa!e and Retait Gro f AND PR0VISI0N DEALERS. FRESR CALIPOR.NIA 8ALM0N ONICB Bj Et*tj Pnaeiaen 8t«uaer. Salt Salkox ix Baceslb a SrmAunr. /// F?r*l -V’. , Iha'H u. 7«’. J JjO, P. Lh J»ax »97 \