Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 96, 25 April 1894 Edition 02 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiian Hardware Company

HŌsolclu, April 1*2,1894. | Alabama pays its legis!ators S4 per d »y. The Pansv is l>est aud eheapest! Miine j>ays its logislators $150 »>er anoniu. Trv the J»nes Locked Eeneo for eeouoaw". Wvoroing is tlie B»by State in t!ie Union. I The Jones Locko>l Eenee for strength ’ New Y>>rk C5ty is bnilt on 41 sqnare miles. Enc!osed witli tlie Jones wire Eenee, Taramaiiyisra wouKl st iv t!iere! Chicago ha.s an area cf 180 sqn ire miles. The Afm»l<r v.ill scfp’\ wale to the world’ Petersbnrg, 3’a., covers 3 sqnare ; iniles. i Haviland China leads all ot!iers | for boautv! The South contains 15,549,358 white persons aad 0,893,800 colored. Our Oil Stoves for baking save ti>ne aiul money! Tbe voting poptllation in the United Sh»tes, 1890, 13,230,103. The CIanss bread knifo does not niake cmmbsl i Estimated populalion of the United States. 1S<>4, 50,580 740. The Little Giant Rat Traps nre won>lers! 3Iaine was a jvirt of Massnchus- j setts until 1820. The Fischer Steel Range burns j less fnel thau any others! Nevad« has tlie fewest inhuhitants; New York the greatest nnmber. Lomloa hns 4,231,431 inhabitants. Hendrv’s Ready 31 xe»l paints ave i great sprea»lcrs! | Tke G. A. R. ha» 403.024 members in the Uuited States. The Hawaiian Hanlware Co., leitls iu everything! New York States seut 448,850 men io the Uuion Army. Binl cages either brass or paint- : ed \vire nt Huwaiian Hard- j ware Co! 3Iississippi hul 545 men in tbe L’nion Army. Tablo c6tleiy and scissors at the Hawaiian (I:ml»»ure Co! The»s»nky was founded ia New York m 1875. BradK*y <k Hubbard Lamps rival tbe soui;ght! Ihe typewriler was first thonght j of bv Henw Mill 200 yesrs I ago. Poi Bow!s at the Hawaiiao Hardware Co* Ohio is the greatest sbeep raising j State in the Union. ! . I The Hawaiiau H.mlware Co.. . organizeJ four years ago, has gone to the top of the ladder by se!Iiog goods at low pricos, anu being “ np to date ’ m eaeh of its many liuea. I , Tie liwaiiaiHaili® Eo., i > 807 Fori btteefc» 1