Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 96, 25 April 1894 Edition 02 — The Latesl. [ARTICLE]
The Latesl.
Tbe well-knnwn bathicg resnrt S.»us S;>uci at Waikiki. h»s umler, the efficient raauagement of Mr. t Sir*ipsnn maile great iiuprove-1 ments for the »ccomra€Klatioa und entertuinment of tbe guests. The latest »Uvice of Mr. Sirapson is a tuboggin or shde. Messrs. j Retlwanl and Pbilhps have e»>astructed th ; s splendid add.tion to : tbe attr*ctions of Sans Sonci and the bovs aud girls. nnd even old i men nnd women, slide down sorae feet first ar.d sume bead Cr>t A!1 oor roissionary frieads &bou!d oill nnd take a tuaible—like | Uiu jLndrews. i