Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 95, 24 April 1894 — Suicide?? [ARTICLE]
The editor of the Adcer(istr ! . was seen kwn ioii aloue the , • street in tlie clirection of hisoffice yesterd.iy forenoon with a eoil of new rope in his hand. It was soggested by a friend. who noted the uncauny look iu tlie editor's e}'e, tbat the new pnrchase had proba!>Iy been snggested by a suicidal niani i whieh in t un had been induced ia tbe editorial ' mind ( ) by reading the r> gistra* tion returns, showing that the Portuguese out-nuraber tlie Araericans upon the ro!l, nearlv two to one, also tiiat only n liltle j ! over 100 Hawuiians have beeu i coerced into taking the P. G. | oath; also that soiuething more than one-third cf tho registered voters (?) bel >ng to ‘ Coxey” Dule's army of tramps and b miners who drifted upon this beach since Jannary 17th. 1893, and have earned the right to vota bv grace of the provision admitting \ to that privilege all who have borne arms in defense of the P. ‘ ! G.