Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 95, 24 April 1894 — Something Rotten. [ARTICLE]

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Something Rotten.

Tbe arrest tnis of “Bosea Ben' f w.lh 12 tins of opinm in bis f-cssession. bv poliee | officers nota b!ock from theoffice ,of tbe Port Sarreyor ir.dic tte~ I that tbere is sometbiag radically wrong ia the Cnstoms depart- ; meat. S:nce tbe revolatinn even- ' p. g. man fro:n Do’e to Thnrston { h.*s exbansted his breath «nd tbe palienee of his audience by teli | ing abont the cortr.ption of the alleged opinm r:ng t ; .at contrclied tbe monarcbical governajent in ! Huwaii. Tbey bave never brought forward any proofs of tlieir Iying j assertions nor b:'.re they ever dnwn compa;rsons between tne j “Ihen’’ and ‘ now.” Under the i alleged rotten monarchical gov- i emnaen». tbe price of opinm was ! abont foar times as high as it is today. Tben, se zvms were freqnent!y made and it was baz ardoos ior any num to go into tbe . S!ooggling. Now nnder tbe snj>ervirtuons p. g and its incorrnptible Collector-gener.il not one i poniul of opioui luis been seiz9'l by the Ciistoms anthorities, bat 1 the goards bave devoted their tiiue to stop and annoy respect- ■ able citizeus at tlie gate who were carrying out a bandle of newspapers, « ponnd nf candy or a pieee of juicy CaIifornia beef ! or an orange. .Soch trities never esc.ipe the vigilance of tbe old 1 fossi!s in Jira Castle's employ, butCasseiros and “Bosen Ben ”or auybody elso ean raarch out uu j 5 der tbe very noses of the guards carrying all tbe opium tbey may desire. lf this government doesuot want to be stamped as being tlie most ineompelenl if not tlie most corrupt tbe officials will bave to get a move on nnd perform the legitunate duties for whieh they are p.»id by tlie taxpayers. Tbe Custom Honse scandal has gone far euough. lf the j heads of tbatbureau \vouid devoJte ! niore time to the business of tbe country aud less to \rurd-poIitics the couutr\- wonld be n‘great deal better otf tbau it is npw.