Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 95, 24 April 1894 — Mistaken Indifference. [ARTICLE]

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Mistaken Indifference.

, We he«r that Mr. A. F. Judil, our esteemeil CLief Jnstice, l:as | stated that “oveu if the Holomoa ■ cbarge him witb hwving committ- : ' eei a hiurder." bo woulel not take 1 tlio trouble to dany the chargo. ! Mr. Juild is wro:ig. Tbe Holo- ; - MUA is read by a great imiuber uf «/ o people in Hawaii-nei. lt appears i m the Hawaiian language both iu i a dai!y and iu a \veekly issue, i and it finds its way from Hawaii 1 to Niihau. The oh.irges. that \ve have presented ag«inst Mr. Judd will be read and n ill he believtd by all inteliigeut meu iu Hawaii ; nntil Mr. Judd t ikes the trouble to make an explanatiou and : “condescends’ to notice the most popular jocrnal in Hawaii. Mr. Judd‘s sne j rs, in private conservation, ngainst thisjo«rual or its editor don’ worry us a bit nor do they help him. We are uot after him personally. He wonld bo too m5ignificant botb for our pen or our steel to take ary notice of. But as holding t:ie highest judicial olhee iu this couutry, and «?presenting the dignity of tbe jndicial. honor of , .Hawaii. he shordd not hesitate '• in responding to charges puhlie|y aiade that refiect on his honor, 1 his integrity and his ability. Mr. : Judd may represent the 1507 registered voters on Oahn. He is weleeme to such represeutation, and we trust that he feels proud to find about 500 ignoraut Portuguese or 185 hire<l Hawaiians behindhim We represent the PEOPLE. and it is to them that Mr. Judd owes an esp!anation of the dual i c«pacity in whieh he lately bas Let him eiplain how he ean be a Chief Jnstice and guardian in a suit before the courts. Let him te‘.l us how be ean watch tho interests of tbe Brown .children —strangers to : him—and yet look aflcr the eon- t flicting interest of the Judd cbiidren, that is hi$ cbiidren. Mr. ; Judd is a pablic man holding an office of vast impoiianee. The assnmed indifference, and the implied insults against tbis , paper will not prevent the people from calliug. Eiplain, Mr Judd' H EapUio. !,