Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 95, 24 April 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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— : CHEAP FURNITURE ! YJJT6 FAT * Corner of King «nd Bethel Sts., Honolulo, Offer a large assortmeot of fine and degirab!e flrmtur 1C, whieh they sell at » Teij- low fignre. Bed'steads, Borean», Meat Safes, Wardrobes, etc., at prices to smt everybody. Call and 'inspect for yonre€lre8. mar 12 VING FAT A CO. UJI-YD-^0^A JCBT t RECEIVEDfi-om JAPAN Several Eiud of Colton Crape, Latest Styie of Shlrts iu different quahties. | Ag$ūrtinent of porceIfiin Tea Set6 a Specialty Japanese Lanterns and many Corio8 8nitable for Christrca8 Gock1s. 411 K1NG STBEET, Ilonoluln. T*lepbone*. Kell 474. l’.O. Boi JS6. Mulaal 544. n<>13 ltu Criterion Saioon -, PFR AUSTKALIA. another īnvoice of the celebrated JOHN WEILAND PALE m LAqi^ i 11 V Also. a Fbesh Ixvoice of C^UfOt\fU^ °T s T Ei l s fob L. H. DEE, Proprictor. ,Sans Sanci Hūl'EL, WAIKIKI, HONOLOLO. First-C!ass Aeeommooafions for Fourisis and /sland Guests 4 ♦ • • • •* SUP£RIOR BaTHIRG FAC/LfTIES, Cottago9 for T. A. KIMP80N. I * *