Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 95, 24 ʻApelila 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
l-j. E, MclRm Ē importers>xd;dealers.in Grroceries, 3?rovisions ASD Feed, EAST C0RNER FORT «fe KINO STS. New Croods Rcc’d Bv every Packet frora the Eastern States and Enrope. Fresh Californis Froduce bv every steamer. All orders faithfullv sttende,l and Go-ds delivered to anv part of the citv FREE OF CHAR(.»E. Island Ordors S )Iiciteil. ’ Sat sf ,ction Gaamnteed. P<»t Olliee Box N«». 14ā. Telephone No. 9*2.
POL’ND MASTER*S NOTICF. is h»rehT piT»n to a!i jvrsous. thal ihere are at the OonnuMl Ponad *t Makīki, three »tntv«d m*re< »n l one horse. I poor roea m*re, feet *re white. brandevl P Koa rght hind leg. 1 poor wLile m»re. sore-hack. hr»n iē i \{ N on nght hind leg. 1 poor rel m>vre, k'm; white spit on liie foreht'!»d, hnuule.l H Eon nght hind lej;; *nd l poor red hopee, br»n 1 iude«cnb*ble. Any person or persott> owning these snim»ls »re reqaestevl to ooae aiel uke the same on or before 12 o’oioek noon SATURDAY, MAV, ’> IS!H JAH£S KUKON A, Ponud M*sfer. Makiki, Apr. 19. 1S94. *pr 2l>-tf Capt. Wm. Davies, INTER-/SLAND P/L0T 1 FOH Any Port or Landingr in the Hawaiian IslancLs. lnqnire at ofilce of J. S. Walkeh oyer Spreckel's B,*nk. feb U-tf. DAIVIPPON Hotel stTeet (Ar!ington Block.) The abore Store h»s receirevi another Spleudid Iuvoice of ,JAPANESE jSlLK. ANC Y pOODS, Per S. S. “China.” —cos*nusi>o — BEAUT1FUL SILK DAN CRAPE, Dress Goods in all shade, plain and fignre<l. Cnshions, Tnble Covers, Bed Corers, Oowns, Chemises, Shawls. Si Crape liainliow Silks, AU Colors Fancy Dr»peries, EMBROIDERED I HANDSERCHIEFS, Doillies, Scarfs, Saabes, Jackets, Cupa, Etc., Etc. XOVELTIES: The rrieesof these Goods will astonish yon. inclnding ELEGaNT SILK KIM0N08I Hand.some Cigarette Ca»es, Pin Cnshions, Silk Tea Co«sies, L1RGE 1ND SM1LL J .IMAESE KUHH 8ilk Umbrellas, li«ht bnt strong; Chair Saddles, Silk; Bnmbno Blinds, fitted with pollcy»: Sdk Lamp 8hades, new stylē. J.tPA>'E8E St'HKE>S. From $3 l‘|>. HR(iE J1P .NE.SF riBKELLtS Cnn be Set wiih Pole iu the gronnd, niēe fjr l'ieuie» or Lnnches ool of doors, they ean be opened ont or usevl as a tent. C()TT()N CRAPKS IN GREAT VAR;ETY |yinspection Eero“ctfnl!y Invited. MRS. J. P- P. COLLACO, Proprietre88. Ar»rl2-3ni8 LAEOE B0READ, T11K AMKI’.K’AN LEAOLE Begs lcave to annoanee tbat it Uuh estabiisbed an Employment Burean m eonneelion witb tbe , Araerican Le»gue. We will be plt?ased to furnish you with »kilied or nnskille>l tabor witbout t nny fee for tbe engiging sucb labor. Tbe labor enrolled with ns is of tbe foliowing nationalities: American, Purtagaese, i Hawaiua. German, i And other £aropean N»tionalities Begging leave to open a correspondeuce witb you on this ’ sabject, i W*eremain, Yoar obedient servants, >|The Amekioan Le.»gce Emploi1 j MENT Bc’KEAU. k Addressall communication8 to THEO. P. SEVERIN, Secretary. | mar 2S-tf. P- O. Bcx 406