Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 95, 24 April 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Busjines.s Cards ld. LOSE, r >Totary l^uhlie. CoUedor and Cfeneral Bxu*iness Agent. Paieniee of Lose’s Chemical i Compoi*\d for Clarifying Cane Juiee. Sub-.\gent for several of the Best FIRE'L\SURAXCE COS. M'Unal l>lephon»* a. P. O. Pox'n;lS. Verchant street. Honr>!nJn. DAUCISG CLASSES. D\N* LYONS’ D\NCINO CI,ARh «rill he chant~r! fr>:n the Pkill Snn> K. Abiov Hau„ wlueh he h>' rente I f >r TCESDAY. THT RSDAY »u,i SATURDAY ol e*ch week. ■'he S->tnr> Hi v niir il >•! ■ s f> >r (. n'!tlrcn w ; !l m -et at ths Ari"U fi ttl «l 2 o'eloek S !tnrd-«v «ftem • > i. At>ril Tth. On Tues iay eT*niug, Ar>ril 10tit. «t 7 o'eh ek, h el .ui wii; lie f.iraie l for Men «ml l> Oa Thnrsilav ift-*rn > >n, at 3o'chx.K A t r.I ,i apeeial elna- wai be f >iiiieil for K w>iii«ns. T. ech ir'os for all lar Pnpila will !>e 25 i-e its a less >u. Ou fhe :\!>>ve dn> Mr. Lyon eun be seen at the Hall from !) to 12 e-.-w > 4 2t Cltys3 |\/leat Market Oppo. Queen Emma Hall, Estublisbed|1883. ’ J0S. TINKER, I> r l cr \. Maker of thf*Ceīehrated Cambridge Pork Sausage' 1 Tuy Them. PAM tL Y Meat Delivered to Any Purt of tue City aud Suburbs. Mulual Telephone Number 289. T.H.Davies&Co KAAHUMANU ST., Honolulu, : : Ll. 1. GENERALam> Commission Merchiints - AND — SUGAR FACTORS. AuF.NTS FOE Ltoyds :— Bntish «u<l Foreign Maiiue Insnrenee Cotup«uy. Limite>l. Xortl»em Asanran<v Co, tirv \ life. Pion«er Line of PaekeU from Lfverpool. "Lawauan Line of PaekeU. eanaalan Pacific Railway Co. axd Oanaliaa-AiiMiai Steamsiiū Co. Lj verpoql Omo: Tb« AUjai j, OId Hju1 Si. teoio>sa BRUGE&A. J. GARTWRICHT Biuinesa of a Fidndary Natnre Tr?nsacted. Frompt attention given to tbe m of EoUie», G ’triUa*hifH, Tmata.| ela, etc., etc. Ojjixs, : Ca iicrigkt Building, Merchant Street, Honolnln. GHAS. GIR0LER, Importer aud Commtssior Merchant?. lt SPECIALTItS>: I ie ; u J. 1 P. Coata' Maehine Thread Jon*s Bnx>ks’ Maehine Thre*-1 Barb>inr>|Linen Thre*i Pe<«rs’ Soap P. O. Boi 553. Molnal Te!«phoa; 35 ii lfcia .aaaaa