Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 95, 24 April 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
. Ttfi A W/^DED. | Anhenser-33nsch Brewiii£r Co. { the J?rize at tbe AVoi'lcl ? S 'vith their EAGL B BrandTBeer. St Louis. Oct 2S, 1S93. Messrs. Maopap.lwe & Co., L’o , Honola n, H. I. Dear Sirs: —We have mailed you a coj>y . { tiie Globe-Democrai announein" the great victory won l>y t!ie An'HEJSEH-Bcsu Associatiox with t!ieir “EAOLE ’ Jiraud tt lieer. [Signed] ANHEUSEE-BUSH BEWING aSSOCIATION. > m i & & AHAQ£ % \r. £ * >- H /«* * K* << RiSfrt r‘In ordering this Beer besur jtonsk fur the “EAGLE” Braud. MacfhrlaiiG‘ & Co., Mnr. 14- -2md. Agmts frr Hanaiian I lands. AT THE CLUB STABLES. i,T r O Racc Record; Fourth Heat 2:15. Made at Stockton, Cal. »ept. 23, 1893. Sire, Prompter, 2,r*lA‘>. by I’l-o HnI 7*>: D.nn, Onioe, by l)no' > ntu*er, *2.b->G. Pr *uipter i» rlso the Sire of Apei, 2:*ii; Tnn*. t, 2;2o : \V:«lker 2:2:> : Wil'.w, 2:27 i; Chieo, 2:24: aud of tbe D«ms brilbautiue, 2:17 an.l \ r, 2;2S. “C. *os k" i> bl ek, ou> hind white foot and Muall stripr in fe.ee. NVei(»lit, 1,050 ponn D; i> vcry stybsli, penlle, » good prodncer *iud a p.iuie race borse, Will stand f.>r a litiite.l nnmber of ui in*8 at FIi*TV (JŌ0) DOLl.AbS FOR THE SEASON, paynble nt ti;ie of service. This horse was bred iu 1S32 to forty-six mares au-1 pn>du3ed forty-two cj*U. feb 17-im 13 T [ DAV1 0RDWAT k P0ETER, Robinson Eloek, Hof > St., b?twecn For! an l Xuuann, Have Jrst Fccfvic!.i«r 11 U 1; M3.ile1:i<t * 1 f f ik of FUE NllUEE Ever linj frted tf> t’ is C«mntry, Conjj*r5siiig Handsome Carved Bec.room S:ts In SoIi<l O£ilv, and cj the LA TES T PES/GXS. ESPECIAL ATTEXT10N' IS CALLED .’O TtlESE SETS: ■w 1 e ;k_e; iel Beaut fnl Des gns i*f Wic c-*r Ware, eonsist ug of SOFAS, CHA1F.S, ROCKERS, *tc.,you eua got the.;3 in any FIN ISH vcri <lesirfc. CHAĪRS, Countless uumbers of CHA 1 RS. iti everv stvle i >c ;i ling OFFICE and HIGH CHAIRS. ieitsioit tabl: 1<=? We bave had h nu»nber of calls for tbese T .bl ’s. \vitii C.TAIRS to match. We have no*v »n stock t' « rn<>st BEAUTIFUL DINING R30M RIRN1TURE EVER SEEN HEKE. Sideboards and Cliiffoniers ī?r>i tvt ē3 D vans covered with P0RT1ERS :»re becoming q*jite tbe r»ge in plaee of LOUNGES—we iaHnufactare Liem to urder. and have a laige stock of PORTIEKS to sel-ct from. beediit& Great Assortment ofWOVE\’ TVIRE M ATTRESSES —Spr»ng,Hair Moss. W<»ol and Stn»w Mattresse< o»i Jn»nd and m ide to order. L1VE GEESE FEATHERS H».d SILK FLOSS f r IM oir>. CRIBS. CRADLES. etc. TVINDOW SHADES of all colors aml siz s. CORMCE POLES. in wcod or br ss i,ri'mnings. IBI1TO-. Mattresses, Lounges aud all L f>bolstered Infu»ture repaired a n»aso>»able r. tea. CABINET MAKISG. in all its bnnches. by C >mpeaent Workmen MATTING LAlD*nd Int rior Decorating aiu'er the SaperT»s»ou o Mr. GEORGE ORDWAY. Our Goo»la ure F rst Class. aud <>ur j»rices »re t.e Iowe*it C v>m< and be c*mr»nced—a trial is s>»lic t ;il. Bc!» 635, TELEPH r NES*. MM '?»’ fi4ō. ORDWAY * POB cfill K *bo»«>»l Rl.»Ak. b«twccu l'o*» aa.i Nu»i»u