Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 95, 24 April 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Basiness Cards r MACFARLANE <fc C0. Deakrs in Wines and Spirits Kaahnmana S’.re«t, Honolaln. H. F. BEKTELMANN, CONTBACTOR AND BUILDER,' 8C King St., Bell Telepbone 107. F. H. BF.DWARD, 1 CONTB*fTOK and BUH No. c06 King Stroet, Honolnlu. Ha« iinn Isl;in<ls. H.\RR1S0N bros., IV CONTRAtTGBS AXD BUILDKRf*, 203 Fort St.. Honolnln. M. II LOHEIDE. S:< .\ AXD ORNAMF.\TAL PA1NTER. [H.»w:ti:nn Hiirdware Cod A11 <>*lers promptlv aften<led to. Hell Tele;ihon« 3SI. P. O. Box 32 w. W. WR1GHT tfc SON, C urrinfj ? nnd Wafjrm Bvilders 1N ALL ITS BRANCHES. 79 and S0 King Street, Honoluln. H. I. Elias Kaululaau Wright DEXTIST,^ Comer of ; King and Betbel Sts„ Upstaire, Entrance on King Street. I OFFtCE Hours- From 9 a.m. to 12 m., 1 to 4 p.m. Sundays exceptod. PAC1FIC 8AL00N. Comcr King an.l Nuuana Streets. EDAV. WOLTER Manager. Th<» Finest selecuon of LIQUOKS and BEER, 8ol<l anywhere in the town. First-class attendeuce. Call and jndge (or yonrself. no S0-tf. J. PHILL1P8, PRACTICAL PLUMEEIi, GAS.FITTER COPPER-SMITEI, House and Ship Job Work Promptly Executed. No. 71 King Street, Honoluln. “FAT BOY.” SALOON ! P. McINERNT, pRoraiCTOK, Fine Liquors. Wines and'B8er. Cor,\fh Bethel a\d Hot*x Sts. W.W.WRIGHTiSON \mm d Wmoo BuildeFS u In All Its Bkanches. Horseshoeing A SPECLfcLTY. 97 and 80 Ki:ig St.. Honolnh KW0RG 8IHG C90HG 4 C0 , Con.txa.ctor ' cSc] IS\xild.e: il J ainting, <fcc. We also keep on^hami . bedsteads, Ua t jrassēs. Tables, Bookcases MlRRORS, Etc, \at\the lowest UAR<ET PRtCE Ko, «*.. Honolol» • 1 3»