Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 95, 24 April 1894 — CAUGHT IN THE ACT. [ARTICLE]

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•‘Bo5n B na’ Bad Broak. Ths naa*! 1 list;ess enerjrr w as be»ng displ.ireil nbout tbe Oeennie 9. s vh;ir( t';is momine and the only pe'iple who seetned to be “on dc-ck were tbose whose bos ness bronqut them on bo:irl the pt?:,mer Aastmli.i. Aruong the \Isitors wis oue J <mcs Cennett a well known j ch.incter of tiie i;ity aad who is bett r known by Lis subr'qnet of “Bo>u Bon” ;t nune obt.iined \vbih> serr:nq m t!«e Hawuiian canboat Kaimih'i cf p.ist histuiy. Ben h;«d w.ilkeel and talked for somf.time in front of the Cust >ms gnar(ls «vhen final’y he took n sidu trip t > tlie lnt<>r-Is lanel wb;trf His movement be:nq suspic iii»s canse>' n police-cfficer to \vr.lk to\vaids him when Ben s gnil(y eonae’en»-. 1 stnrted his !tgs nml n\vay \vent D. n on the ruu. The olieemnn g «ve cbase, b!ew !iis \\histle nii ! thns ii:terest;*d ot!ieis. Ben fi.uling himself cornered,ha!t d :u.d d:e\v a siiei«t!i knihi ilecliiring hls intention to perft.rra a p g. leheading act on i any r ne wlio t u:ln‘d him. He \v.ts however clsed iu on and » blow from a M lv disarmed, him, not bef »ve lie hael cut liis right h.md severe!y bira self. Ou capture l»eing m ide Ben \v.is found to l»e the nnf<»itan »te possessor of tw-!ve balf-pouud tius t>{ opinm so Le was escorted to tlie p«diCR slation, past tlie customs ofiicers, and chargetl \vith the smugglir«g. The opium is n iuored to !»elong t » one of the people ou b'.>«rd the steamer and au iuvest g iti«>n is expected to disclose tho ir. ne.