Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 95, 24 ʻApelila 1894 — "Forgiven." [ARTICLE]
The drnm» Forgiven, Tormerlv Jack o' Diamomls, was presented at the Opera Honse last evening to a large nnd apprec;ative amlienee. Tiie piineipal cliar acters of the cast \vero, Jack o’ Diaraonds, Darrell; Vinton Wm. Graham, Mortimer Suow: Dauiel Peabody, Charles Connors; Frank Popham, Kdwin Lhnd; ‘ Annie Dennison, Mav Nannary, | ■ Conle!ie Dennison, Mrs. Bates; Leooie (the eldcr), Miss Gene Nannary; Leonie (the little). Miss WoIters. The play was well performed and the stage well dressed, inoio attention to 1 detail in that rcgard than by the performers in their characters. The audience was well pleased with the de!ineations as evinced Iby their hearty npplause Miss Gene Wolters, danghter of M <jor \Volters of this city, performed lier ehihl part with natural efFect The favorite Josie Gassman introdnced herself, as usu.I, in one of the acts, and her song and danee obtained the nsnal encore. To-morrow night the society drama Forgot iue-uot is to ba presouted.