Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 95, 24 ʻApelila 1894 — FEAST OF NATIONS. [ARTICLE]
The Heceipts, Ezpenss and Net Proceeds. As stateil in yestenl*ys HoLO*ua the “pot” whieh was obtHined by the late conprre«3 of natino3 -at the b.z»nr in the Hkat ing Rink was divided Hniong the societies, six in namber, and whieh, with the except on uf the Maternity Hooe, were most dec:dediy meinbers of the missionary “faroily eompael.” The rei>ort presented showed that the gross receipt.s ainoanted to •td.‘244:53; tbe expenses were $I.‘2tJ.5:4G and the b ilanee S2 979; 07 was divided into s xpirtsof ?4G9;50 eaeh. Following is a list in detail of the gross receipts. <xpenses and net retarns of eaeh b.)otb; Eocth E'rm. Exp. asr. Amene.m 386 73 30 00 3āC 73 Frtneh 577.35 250.00 327 35 Nor’y k SwcJen 467.00 172.47 234.53 Prittish 209 75 49 55 250 20 Portuguese 197 65 69.86 127.79 J«p«nese 157.25 28.95 128 .J0 Hii wuiiun 297.55 195 67 101 >8 : Oennan 52 85 6 50 46.35 Imli m 114.10 53.77 54.33 Greek 113.90 61.52 52 38 Chinese 100.90 80.00 20 90 Live Oolla 45.00 Phonograph 30.75 12.00 18.75