Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 95, 24 April 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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Basiaei» is st.ll venr dall. — Tbe leagrje fl 'g isflying; weath-} er i*leasant. — Tbe sfeamer Aratra will sail at miJuiglit for the Soatb. TLe iI.-snnerchor ioeet to mor ) on evfning in tbe i>ailors of tbe Pacifij - otel. E : .ftbty eigbt passengers are ilre idv 1)00 «,ed for passage by tbe Aostralia. Tlit» fl of tbe senson tomorrow eveuing at Oj>era Hoase; “Forget-me-not” Tbe Dailey Stock Co. are in pnb!ic favor, \vitb both fvet. and daily sinking dee{ er. The r<ira>Vt't of thr P dAc will l»e p«ib!ishtd on Tburaday, iu time for tbe mail. Tbe d spnte in t!ie 3rJ D;strict over govt-ruii)ec.t officials «s eanJidatcH, is act yet settleJ. Tbe Board of llealth will pvobab!v meet t >morro\v iifternoon •inJ consid r the “Leprosy” qnostion. Tbo snm total of volers. 1 507, is not in 1 Ciitive of mueh support to tbo p g. obg »rchy 2\*,-iy 7tli is the Jute set for tbo o| enirg of t!ie M«y term of tbe Circuit Cuurt, fir.st circuit. D»n Lyons’ Jancing class, for gentlem< n. will bo!d tl»e bourds at Ari«>n Hall this evening. A regimental hop. by fonr eonip mies. i.s >»n eveufc niueh advertised for a uigbt tliis week. Tbe cbildren will bave tbe iong looked f< r o|»}»nrtuiiity to enjoy »ntieso(' Peck’s Bad Boy,ou SutuiJav afternoon next nt lbe j Opera Houae, No rcservt*J se.its. 1 f, H;»ng up our banner on tbe | onfccr walls; tbe cry is still, “tbey eonie,” to tbe Anchor for the ; famons Oyster Cockt»ils. I It is witb regret tbat it is l«‘.trneJ tbat Mr. ll»y Woodbonse is suffeiing with rela{>se of his illness. Tbe steamer Ht.11 brings the nowH th it the regisr.it!on of voters on Maui is a fizzle, most eomplele. The Scbeutzen Club will moet this evening at t!ieir li.-ill anJ j initl.»te several new members iiūn the mvs‘eri s of fche org i:ūzition. Zwei bier! T!ie Kameliameha base ball ( clnb bave had t : :e reputatiou of being tko ch)impi«<u ‘ kieken»,” bnt Josie Gassman ean “kiek” to more pnrpose aml not half try. — “rericles tbe Prinee of Tyre ’ is askeJ for by several Sliakesporian scbo!ars, but Manager Dailey objects to tbe reproductou on aeeouiū of tbe laek of : ueed\ J accessories. Būbing p.trties who Jesire to ; I liave a speeial vie\v of the j leviūhaus of thi Joep shoulJ telepht»ne to Ool. Jiui Sherwoo«.l >» few l>ours before g"ing out to Long Biiinch and he cu leavor tv> accoramoJ.«te tbein. Horse cars pass tbo Joor. — Rear AJruir.il Irwin will leave for the Coast by tbe Australia. Two raeetings of tbe inspectors of elections are to be belJ to cor rect tlie errors. tlie bigb prised registras. By tbe ti;ne tbe polls hio opeuoi tue list of n tmes of voters will have been very eipensive alien tax payers. Tliero is back a backing at another buck ou aeeouni of the fresb bock beer >»t tbe PaiūLeou wlūeh genial Jim. or Harry, now (linpeuMi to tlūrsty castauiers at • h bit * gi.«ss ur two for a k*-war* | iur.