Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 95, 24 ʻApelila 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
H. MAY & Co„ Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters AND Provision Mercliants j 118 Fort Slret-f. - Honolelu Families. P?antitions aml Ships snpplietl wi:h choioest Ennpean &Amt iean GrocrrU$ California rn-H.luce by £venSte^u:or. OCEA XIC SteamshipCo Tiine Table. LOCAL LI\E. S. S. ArSTRALIA. Arr!ve Hon >Iu!a !.>• ire Hanolala From Syiney for S.iu Frautisco. Leave Honolulu. Manposa Monowai Abimeda. Maripofl:> Monowai I Alameil i. Maripofl-i M-nowai ■ Alamedi t = Long Brancli BATHING Establishment. i This Firsl-class Bathing Resort has been enlarged and is now open to tbe puhlie. It is tho best plaee on tho islands to enjoy a bath and there is no better plaee to lay oll. Speciul aeeomraodations for Ladies. Tramcars pass tho door every balf bourand on Saturd iys aml Snndays every lifteen minutes. e.'U. SHERWOOD ' Proprietor. N( >TICE- ( The partnership heretofore existing between Frederick Harrison and Arthnr Hurrison, uoder tbe tinn name of Harrīson Bros. as Contractors and Budders, has heen by motnal cous«nt dissolved. and all parties owing said £rm »re hereby notiilcd that pavment of the same mnst l»e made to Frederick H-irrison, who is ;<uthorized to settle said business within tbiity days from date. Fr.EDERICK H VRKIsON'. Abthcb H arbiso.\. Honolulu. H. f., March 27th. ISŪ4 roar 28—lw. LEWIS 4 C0,, Retail Gro r a\d PROVISION DEAL£RS. FRfSR CAUiORNĪĀSALMON ONICB Bjr Everj 8 m Pnaeiaoo 3 eam«r. Salt SaLXO\ 15 Baire^s ’A Sl ECIALTT. /// For | Si. , Hjhc.u u. TeL\iju, f. O B<uc 99T'l