Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 95, 24 ʻApelila 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Company
HōN'OLLLU, April 1*2. 1S04. Alahama pays it> leg:slatora $4 per day. The Pansy is best aml che :pesf. Muine pays i:> Iegislators $1-50 per annum. Trv the Jones Looked Fence for economy! Wvoming i> the B iby Stata in the Union. The Jones Locked Fence f«ir strength! New Y>irk City is built on 41 sqnare miles. Enc1osed vvith the Jones wire i'enee, Tammanyisra would stay there! Chicago has an area of lSO.sqn-ire niiles. The Atjuclrr will Ecpply wale to the world! Petersburg, Va., covers 3 squ ire niiles. Havi!aml China leads all others for boaoty! The South contuins 13.049,358 \vhite persons und G,89S,S0(i colored. Our Oil Stoves for baking save li’.ue aud money! The voliug pnpulalion in the United Slates, 1890, 13,230,1(58. The Clauss bread knife does not make crumbs! Estimated popuh«tion of the United Stute>. 1804. ōG,580,740. Tho Little Giant Eat Traps are wonders! Maino was a part of Mas.sicbussctts uutil 1820. The Fischer Steel Range burns less fnel than anv otbers! Nevada has tlio fewest inhihitauts; N’ew York tho greatcst nuniber. Lomlon has 4,231,431 inhabitant?. Hendn 's Ueady M xed paints are great spreaders! The G. A. II. hns 403 024 menibers iu the Uuitcd States. The Hawaiian Hardware Co., leads iu everything! N’ew York State> sent 413,850 men io the Union Army. Bird cages eitiier brass or painted vvire 1 1 Hawaiian Hard- , vvare Co! Mississippi h;td 545 men in the Uuion Army. Tablo cutlery an>l scissors at the Hawaiian Hard\*are Co! Theosonh\' w>vs fonnded in New York m 1875. Bradley «V: Hubbard L»raps rival tbe snuligl:t! Tbe typewriter was first tbought of by Henn* Mill 200 years ago. Poi Bow!s at the Hawuiian Hnrdware Co! Ohio is the greatest sheep raising State in the Union. The Hawaiiau Hardwaro Co., organized foor years ago, has gone to lbe top of the Iadder by se!ling goods at low prices, and being “ np to date ’ in eaeh of its m my liues. Tas H2faii£fflartware Eo., , 307 Furt Street