Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 95, 24 ʻApelila 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
— The 'Ti<tr trnly st ites that a committee nf tl:a Advisory Couneil were “sitting ’ on thuaccoants ! of tbe Attorney General’s de, art ! meut yesterd y. It is to be hoped tbat on next Thursday the Couneil wiil “sit ’ o:i him. He m \kes uo frieads for his party. An excellent illustration of the geneial iae impet3ncy of a jiortinn of the army w,is disj>layed,_under j tbe patronage of the lieutenanteolonel - \v,ith-tlio - rank-of-com-mander-in-chief last evening at Piiluee squure. Tiie Canadian and Anstriilian steamer Ariwi arrived iu port here tiiis afternoon from Van- | couver B. C with news dates to the 15t!i inst, oae day 1 iter than bv the Anstr.ilia. No Hiwaiian ne\vs nor none other of interest j except tho verdict of Ihe jnry in tho Breckeuridgo P«>llard case giv ; ng Miss Pollard 815,000 I damges. — I The N’ew York Le<hjer for April, has the first instiilment of a wonderful story by Seward IV. Hojikius eniUleil iw» (.i nnemen • of Uawaii. C’haracters already introduced are tho Qneeu, the British and Ameiiean Ministers, t!ie Conimaiuler of tho Queen's guanl and the proprietor of the House on Nuuami street. _ |