Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 95, 24 April 1894 — Throngh Their Hats. [ARTICLE]

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Throngh Their Hats.

Evervbo.lv wvnts an eiuluna- • • • tion. Som. wants to know what we *re ccming to. Somebody desires to le«rn what Adi mir»ls W»lker aml Irvia are boring for. Someb.>ly wants to know wbo owned “Eoāen Bea s ' opium. Somebody wants to know wbo “ Ned” is «nd to wbom he :s t>bespl ceil Somebo\lya-»ks wbo i kicked (excrpt Miss J sephine Gass n>n) ngainst the Pink Dominoes. So:aeboJy w mts to know wbat Thnrstoa is up to In f :ct everybody wants an explanation —even t!ie HoLoVCA, from A. Fraucis Jadd. Tbe expl malion is eas:lv glven. Tbey all want to ialk throngh tueir bats and G rdi ler ou Kaahumann street has got tbe very hats. Bnt he won't h ive them very long. He has pl iced everything in tliat line tn bis couuter (■ r tuo day~ only. They i are pretty, fashionable, wiy op and e«sv tj “t.ilk through' ! and the cost exactlv 5) cants a pieee. Tike yonr ehoiee and get an : espianation. ——