Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 94, 23 ʻApelila 1894 — Then and Now. [ARTICLE]
Then and Now.
In speaking *boot the appropriation bill then under debate in the Legislatare the P. C. J ’■• vfrti#r edited by Mr. Henry Castle savs on October 6tb, 1892. “It is still fo!i of extravagaaces. It contains a single item of $50,000 for the bennial peri*>J f r the militarv. Tbe Premier C Macfarlanc is a min of souni eomnion sense ani he knows, therefore, that this item represeuts a sheer waste. It is popu!ar in certain high quarters of conrse. Bat that C3unot make any d»fference to a Minister so beut on economy as Mr. Macfarlane. lf he culs it ont altogether tbe House will follow him And on ihe 23rd of April 1894 the A lvertiirr still edited bv Mr. Henry Castle, says; under the beading “A Good Eorce Imperative. The mauy different aud coufficting elements of our popu’ation, imperatively require the pre~ence r>f a small, but thorough!y, well t>-ain»»i military force. eapahle at all timos of acting promptly, intelligently and effectively.” Wb.it, may we ask, of our esteemed contem|\oraiy constitute . tho “elements” that evideutly have not here under the raonarcbv in 1892, but are bere under the p. g iu 1894. and whieli make a good force imperative? Ls it the p. g army. the bums or spies?